Fourteen - Flirting

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I walk as fast as socially acceptable to my apartment, burying my hurt and pain and focusing on my revenge and fool proof plan. After I jog up all of the steps, I find I am seriously out of breath, which is quite embarrassing. Note to self: get a gym membership. As I burst into the apartment, I am shocked to see Waverly and Owen sprawled out on the sofa, with his arm around her and her head snuggled into his chest. They jump apart as soon as they hear my dramatic arrival, both sporting red cheeks as if they were children who had been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Internally my heart melts for them, as they are just so freaking adorable!

"Oh Nell! Hi, hello. Erm... I walked Waverly home today as she said you were out as work and I didn't want her to be alone for too long. Anyway, I better go now." Owen stammers as he awkwardly sweeps some of his long sun-streaked hair out of his eyes and rubs his neck.

"Oh ok, that's sweet of you. Are you sure you don't want to stay? It looks like you two were pretty comfy." I tease him with a mischievous grin.

"Oh yeah, well we were just... just... You know what it was nothing. I'll see you later." Owen sighs as he grabs his bag and scurries out of our apartment, leaving Waverly blushing madly looking very guilty.

"Ok, so what was that?" I ask as I drop my bag and hang up my coat before plopping down on the couch.

"As Owen said it was nothing! He was just being sweet." Waverly answers defensively as she shyly untucks a few of her tight chocolate curls from behind her ear, in order to hide from me.

"You like him, don't you?" I dare to put it out there, knowing she does as her cheeks become even redder and her spring-green eyes open wide in shock.

"N-No... He's your brother I would not do that to you." She shakes her head adamantly.

"I wouldn't mind... I think you two are cute." I insist.

"I don't like him Nell, really. Anyway, how was work?" She quickly tries to deflect the conversation, and I let it rest for another time as she is squirming uncomfortably and looks like she is about to have a smear test. Terrified.

"It was ok... but you never guess what happened... Zander came in." I reveal causing her to sit up straighter and squeal.

"Finally! He took his time! So how did it go?" She asks eagerly.

"Not good. He said he is dating Viv and he doesn't like me." I reveal with a heavy heart.

"Oh... Oh Nell I am so sorry. That sucks... wait how are you ok right now?" Waverly asks as she pulls me into a sympathetic hug.

"Honestly... I'm not." I croak, but I manage to swallow my tears back. "But I know that Zander doesn't really like Viv. He can't. I am not going to back down. I am going to make him want me and forget that Viv even exists." I declare as Waverly squeezes my hand.

"Listen Nell... you are beautiful and he is the biggest idiot on this earth if he doesn't want you, but are you sure he doesn't actually like Viv? You need to be careful; I don't want you to get your heart broken even more." Waverly warns with compassion in her eyes.

"I'm sure. Last week he told me he couldn't stand her, and he couldn't have changed his opinion so quickly! He is doing it to forget about me Waverly, most likely because of his relationship with my brothers, but I won't let him. We love each other so we should be together." I announce confidently, but I feel very small and nervous inside.

What if he actually doesn't love me? What will I do then? My pulse races with worry and nerves as I hug Waverly close, who gives me the comfort I need by simply being there.

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