Chapter 27

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Brax's Pov

We had been back from our holiday to Italy for three weeks now. The holiday itself was absolutely perfect. I got to spend two whole weeks uninterrupted with the love of my life. We explored the city of Venice and saw some beautiful sights. Seeing Addy's eyes light up with excitement was a dream for me. She was so carefree and happy and I loved it. The best holiday I've ever been on.

I was sat at my desk when my office phone rang. I answered it but no one answered back. It was just someone breathing down the phone. That was the third call I've had like that this morning. Stef was off sick today so all calls were coming straight to my office phone as I didn't get another receptionist to cover her for today. I caught up with what I needed to do before walking into Addy's office.

"Hey beautiful." I smiled as I walked in. "You wanna get some lunch?" I asked her as I kissed her gently.

"Yes, I'm starving." She breathed.

We walked out of the building towards our favourite little cafe that served anything and everything. I twined my fingers with hers as we spoke about whatever came up. I didn't mention the phone calls to Addy as there was no point. Until there was a reason for me to tell her there's no point bringing it up. I just hoped they would stop.

I kissed Addy's lips as we went to our separate offices that were next door to each other. I entered my office and the one person I didn't want to see ever again in my office was sitting on my sofa with her legs crossed trying to look sexy.

"What are you doing here Olivia?" I scowled.

"I want you." She breathed, getting up and sauntering over to me like I was a piece of steak that she was going devour.

"Over my dead body." Addy snarled as she entered my office with a file in her hands.

"That can be arranged." Olivia smirked.

"I've told you time and time again Olivia there is and will never be an us." I hissed. "I'm with the woman I want to spend my life with." I pulled Addy close to me and wrapped my arm around her waist. I could feel her trembling with anger.

"Why her Brax? I'm so much better than her. I can give you more than what she can." Olivia purred.

"You can't give me more than what she can because your aren't her. Addy is more of a woman than you will ever be. I'm happy and in love with my best friend, my soulmate, my everything and nothing is going to change that, especially not you. You have one minute to get out my office before I call the police Olivia." I threatened.

Olivia stood there with her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide at what I said. Once she got her bearings in order, she walked to the door. "You will regret this, both of you. This isn't over." She snarled before she stomped out of my office, her heels clicking along the floor. Once my office door was shut both Addy and I let out a breath. I wrapped both my arms around Addy's body and held her to my chest.

"What do you think she means when she said this isn't over?" Addy whispered.

"That she will probably stop at nothing till she gets what she wants." I replied. I knew that we would see Olivia again but what she would do, I don't know. She was a woman on a mission and she was the sort of person that wouldn't stop until that mission was completed. Something was brewing on the horizon and I just hoped that Addy and I would get through it together.

Our relationship thus far hasn't exactly been plain sailing but we've managed to come out on top together and we will continue to come out on top. In the pit of my stomach I knew this wasn't over for us but I had to be strong for Addy. After everything she has been through with her father, I'm not sure she could handle much more before she completely crumbles.

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