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4| My hot chocolate brings all the boys to the yard

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I wake up praying Jake will have forgotten about our arrangement. I'm not usually one to go back on my word, but now that I've had time to think and process, I know this will be a disaster.

Jake is unreliable, for one. If he can't turn up to classes on time, what makes me think he'll turn up to our tutoring sessions? Which brings me to reason number two: Jake and I are not meant to exist in the same space as everyone else. Sure, we go to the same school and live in the same town, but guys like him don't notice girls like me. And I'm fine with that. I like being invisible. I like drifting through the halls without people noticing me, and if I start tutoring Jake, it won't be long before the attention that's always on him starts to fall back on me.

I take my time getting ready for school, feeling like a zombie. Today will be the first time in months that I won't be having a cup of coffee, and a part of me is terrified it'll make the nightmares more frequent. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but I've found the more tired I am, the less likely I am to dream, and the frequent coffees help to keep me awake that little bit longer.

But another part is relieved. Maybe this is exactly what I need to get my habit in control. Maybe being forced to quit coffee by the likes of Jake Carpenter is actually a good thing.

On the way to school, I stop off at The Coffee Pod to grab a hot chocolate. I'm tempted to order my usual Espresso, but I persevere. I don't know what Jake is talking about. This will be easy.

When I get to the ice path, I'm surprised to see Jake waiting for me. His eyes drop to my drink. "What's in the cup, Hope?"

I narrow my eyes, surprised when he hooks his arm through mine and helps me to cross the ice patch. "Hot chocolate."

Without a word, he takes the cup from my fingers and puts it to his lips. I gasp in horror. "That's really unhygienic."

He licks his lips before handing it back. "It's hot chocolate."

"Like I said. Aren't we supposed to be ignoring each other at school?"

"We will," Jake says, his strides matching mine, "but I needed to make sure you got to school in one piece. I know how clumsy you can be."

"How considerate of you."

"Oh, it's not for your benefit." He flashes a grin. "I can't pass English if you're stuck at home with a broken leg."

I roll my eyes. As soon as we get to the school's entrance, we part ways. I dump my hot chocolate in the nearest trash can before meeting Priya at my locker.

"I have gotten myself into a precarious situation," I say, stuffing my bag in my locker.

"So have I."

When she turns, I gasp. Her beautiful eyebrows, of which I have always been envious of, have been plucked to within an inch of their life.

"You're looking at them," she says, slapping a hand over her forehead. "Stop looking at them."

"Of course I'm looking at them," I say. "Where on earth have they gone?"

She lets out a helpless groan. "My stupid cousin convinced me it was a good idea to let her tweeze my eyebrows. What am I going to do?"

I bite my lip, vowing never again to complain about my own eyebrows. "I don't know, pretend you're constantly surprised or something?"

Her eyes narrow. "Not helping."

I laugh a little, unable to help it. "What did your mom say?" Priya's mom is against any kind of modification, so I can only imagine what she had to say.

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