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[not edited]

Jaxon's P.O.V

After the recusing

Alexia hasn't woken up yet.

It's been a couple months now and it is very scary. The pack doctor has said that she fainted due to shock and the silver in her system had put her into a coma.

Zion has been panicking like crazy, along with how I am reacting. Well, most don't know how to react.

Nate, Alec and Christina have been with Lex since the rescue, along with myself. Layla and Caleb pop in every now and then, Layla more then Caleb.

Caleb has taken my role over for the last couple months which I am very thankful for. I can't even think straight, which is not good when you have to look after a pack.

All I want is for her to wake up.

Be back with me.

See the shine in her eyes when she laughs at her own joke. The love she has when she looks at children and young families.

She has so much kindness in her heart, that I don't know why her life has ended up being so cruel towards her.

She had many scars after we rescued her which are healing gradually, but at a humans rate. Cassy isn't present in her, causing her to not heal as fast as any other wolf would.

The silver got too much, putting Cassy into a coma, along with Lex.

Even thinking about this puts tears in my eyes.

Ruelle manges to escape. I assure you the next time I see him, within seconds he will be dead.

After Nate told me the story about Lexia's mother, everything began to come into place. It made so much more sense as Nate was telling me what went on. Also the fact that Lexia is a Goddess Wolf, the most powerful word, even more powerful then an alpha.

That was the reason why Ruelle wanted her. He wanted to use her power to have an advantage over her and everyone else.

He won't get his hands on her again. Not without getting through me first.


Lexia's P.O.V

My eye lids feel like there is weights upon them. I can't seem to open my eyes no matter how much I try. I can't even move.

I can't think straight, why am I like this. Why caused me to not be able to move or open my eyes.

Am I dead?

Suddenly I felt a flash of light in my eyes. I still couldn't open them but I could clearly image a room which was all white.

I turned around to look behind me, when I saw a women, dressed in all white looking away from me.

"Who are you?" I shouted in the image, my voice echoing against the walls.

"I am who gave you the powers you carry." They spoke back, their voice soft and gentle.

"I don't understand, I don't have powers. I am just an ordinary wolf." I said walking towards the woman. Within a couple of metres from her, she turned around to face me.

She looked angel like, like a goddess.

"I am the moon goddess, Thalia." She stated with a warming, welcoming smile on her face. I was within the presence of the moon goddess. Why?

"Why am I here? Why am I talking to you?" I asked looking at her, and around the blank, white room.

"You are here because news got out." She said turning around, beckoning for me to walk with her.

"What do you mean news got out? About me?" I asked, really confused.

"News got out about you, about who you are." Thalia said before stopping and looking at a wall which was filled with names. She pointed towards the bottom of the list.

I saw a name I recognised.

Caroline Sommers.

"But that's my mums name, why is she on a plaque in this place?" I questioned looking closer at it.

"You're mum was a Goddess Wolf, and well, you are now one too." Thalia said and with a flick of her wrist, my name was written upon the plaque.

It all started to make sense.

Why Ruelle wanted me, he wanted my power.

My breathing started to get irregular, and I started to feel faint in the dream I was in.

I closed my eyes in the dream, then they opened, but I was being blinded by ceiling lights.

Was I awake?

I adjusted to the light, looking around the room, trying to not move my body. I saw someone sleeping in a chair next to my bed.

I slowly placed myself up, so I was sitting, then tapped the person. I spark went up my finger as I done this, telling me who it was.


He woke up in an instant, his eyes widening at the sight before him.

"You're awake, you are finally awake." Jaxon said, carefully giving me a hug. He pulled away, taking my face between his hands, placing a kiss upon my lips. He kissed me very carefully, but you can tell he had longed for this.

Longed for me to be back home.

Guys I am so sorry for not updating in nearly a month, I've had so much going on, but hey, I am now 15😊
Hope you enjoyed this chapter, even if it was a couple weeks late😬😂
What are you guys doing for Easter? If so, do you celebrate it?, or treat it as another day? I would love to know.
Anyways remember to Vote, Comment and Share with friends😊
Thank you so much for 42k, I can not believe it. I would have never imagined my book would reach this at all😊


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