38. Through Thick And Thin

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"Here, sir. Your cinnamon bread. I hope you'll enjoy it." I smiled at the middle-aged man as I passed him the box. He took it from me as his grey eyes shone brightly on the sight of bread and then thanked me politely.

After he left, I moved to walk back to kitchen to help Liam but the sharp sound of heels entering into the bakery caught my attention. "Helena," I said, surprised at her arrival. I haven't talked to her since I came back from Malibu and I didn't know what was the protocol of meeting the girl who broke my best friend's heart.

"Scarlet," she reached me and then gave me a small hug. "I missed you so much." she said in a friendly manner and I stood there static, not knowing what to say.

"Um... Same." I replied hesitantly as I parted away from her. She looked wonderful as always in a blushing red jumpsuit, her long hair perfectly styled and her face covered with flawless makeup.

I took her to one of the tables arranged at the other sides of the hall. I asked her if she would like to have anything but she said she was full. "So tell me, how was your honeymoon?" she grinned at me in a suggestive manner.

"It was just a business trip." A blush crept up my cheeks as I remembered the night when he kissed me passionately. I have been dying to kiss him again but things weren't getting to it yet.

"Of course it was," she winked at me.

"What's going on in your life?" I asked to change the topic and keep on the conversation.

"Nothing much. Just work and..." she stopped talking while her eyes fixated on someone. I angled my neck to look at Liam standing on the counter, catching glances at us. They both had a little staring contest which was broken by Liam first.

"Liam told me what happened." I commented and her face hardened at this.

"I don't know why he made a big deal out of it. I never told him that we were exclusive or anything." she said sourly as she looked away from him.

"He is a wonderful person, Helena. I think you made a mistake." I told her and she narrowed her eyes.

"I don't do relationships, Scarlet. I can't spend my whole life with one person. There was only one man who made me want to leave all the other guys behind and that was Evan." she said in a gloomy voice and guilt filled me at this. When I married him, I didn't know someone else was interested in him.

"I don't know what to say." I replied honestly.

We changed the topic of our conversation to currents events happening in the country. Then she told me about a recent event where she met Leonardo DiCaprio. Her life was so interesting that it put my monotonous routine to shame.

"And you know, Gigi Hadid told me that---" Her gaze froze once again as it stopped at someone. "Who is this girl? I didn't see her last time."

I turned to look where she was looking and found Rachel and Liam talking to each other in a friendly manner. A frown appeared on Helena's face and if I was any better at judging people's expression, she looked slightly jealous.

"She is our new waitress." I told her.

"She is so..." she paused and threw daggers at her with her eyes. "Average. She doesn't look good with Liam."

The bitterness in her voice was as clear as the sky outside. I smirked as I commented, "She is really nice and more importantly, Liam's type. They look good together. They are just friends." I said and then added, "But who knows what the future holds for them."

"Hopefully, nothing." she rolled her eyes and then shifted her attention to her mobile screen. "I should go now. Bye."

"Bye." I said and watched her go. As she walked in front of Liam, they both greeted each other like two strangers but Liam's eyes lingered on her back until she was inside her car.

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