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Jesse turns back to the elder and headman. "You failed in your duty towards your village. You violated or had violated your own people. You have no idea what would have happened to the sacrifice and so you made your own females suffer. Yet, you were more than willing to allow a nine year old child take the place of a proper sacrifice. Neither of you are fit to rule your people. 

"Headman, I have no doubt that you were aware of the elders plan with the females and even encouraged it by having your son do his best in seducing the females. He certainly has no idea of the restraints a male should have over himself until marriage."

The headman sneers at the vampire before him, losing all fear of talking back to one of the monsters. "Oh, please, you are a hypocrite of the highest order. You are not married and I'm sure that you have taken many females, both from seducing and by force."

Jesse nods his head, "You are both right and wrong, but there is a huge difference between us."

A distinct sneers is heard in the voice of the leader, "Oh, and what is that?"

Jesse casually slaps the insolent human and it sends the man to the ground. He leans over the downed human, "I am the one that set the rules to protect you and your people. You are the one to make sure that those rules are obeyed. I've been ensuring the safety of you and the other humans around the forest for centuries. Centuries, human, do you have any concept of just what it means to live such a long time? No? Well let me tell you, females die rather quickly in comparison. I don't marry because they wouldn't live. I've had vampire lovers but female vampires don't like to settle down. They get itchy feet after a few decades. I've turned a few females and let them leave once they decided they wished to explore the world.

"I have never in all my life been with a female against her will." Jesse smirks at the astounded male, "Santo is the one that likes to seduce his lovers and they love being seduced. They have never complained afterwards and like to have a repeat performance as often as Santo is willing to give it.

"Enough," Jesse says and turns to the cowering parents of the bride.

Jesse smiles at them nastily. "You say that you have but one child. The one that stands behind you now. How proud you are of the whore. Yet the one child that should bring you pride is the one that you beat and starved, you sold her to take the whore's place and left her to die. You should be proud of her because of her many of this village, including that whore you are proud of, will be allowed to live. The other villages will be left to live without repercussions for what your village did or rather didn't do.

"But, unfortunately for you two," Jesse smiles darkly as well as the other vampires, "you will not be." Jesse turns to Carlo, "You know what I wish done with them both. Take them aside and hold them until I finish."

Carlo smiles happily as he grabs both humans in his tight grip that allows no escape. Jesse hears a bone snap as the female tries to break free of Carlo's grip. Her scream of agony brings a happier smile to his face. Santo and Desanto come up to him smiling brightly as they move towards the now cowering married couple.

"Tell me, was this female a virgin?" Jesse demands of the groom.

The groom shrugs, "No, she wasn't, but I knew that before I was with her. My friend was with her before me and told me how good of a fuck she was."

Carlo rolls his eyes at the crude reasoning the groom has for having been with the whore.

"Then how do you know that the child she is with is yours?" Jesse doesn't wait and turns to the whore. "You owe your life to your sister that you don't even like. Both of you owe your lives to her."

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