Chapter 33: Part 2

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I waved the fob over the electric entrance door for it to open and slowly walked up a few flights of stairs before I reached the front door of my flat. I suddenly felt all of my emotions hit me at once. I wanted to cry, I wanted to break down right there but I couldn't, I had to keep going, I had to keep doing this otherwise I would never truly be free, Monroe would never truly be free.

I replayed her reactions over and over in my mind, I could see the complete fear and concern behind those eyes. She didn't know what to do, she had no plan, no escape and she was about to lose the man that she loved if she didn't.

All I wanted to do was take her pain away. Maybe it was the never-ending guilt that laid with me every single day and night but I knew in my heart it wasn't just that, somehow I had found a deep care for Monroe.

However, the guilt was still a hard thing to come by and an even harder thing to let go of, so maybe that was why I was doing it but I knew that wasn't the only reason.

This had been the second occasion where I got to see her up close and personal, and in that second occasion I saw the pain, I saw the betrayal, I saw the hurt and I saw the want for freedom. And in that first occasion I saw none of that, I saw happiness and I knew Tobias Wrexler was the reason for it.

That first time she came by the house to get her stuff she just looked so unapologetically happy, I knew she was also fearful but that was never at the forefront of her mind. That man sitting outside wanting to give her everything was. And at that moment I knew what I had to do, I knew I needed to help and give her every bit of love and happiness she deserved. 

She was just a good woman, who thought she fell in love with the man of her dreams but all he was was a masquarade he coaxed in her mind. And that's exactly what he did to me.

That day she came to get her things wasn't the first time he had hurt me, that's what I told her but it wasn't the first and it definitely wasn't the last.

As I walk towards my door, I feel all of the week-old bruises hit me just like my emotions had. I clutched at my ribs thinking back to the moment he punched me in them and how he left me in a puddle of complete pain and agony with a bottle of whiskey in his hands shouting the words he constantly taunted me with.

"You will always be second best. You were never her and you will never be her."

I think back to those moments and wonder how I took it all and still told him I loved him. How did he have me wrapped around his finger so much I jumped when he said how high? How did he hit me every single day and I was the one that apologised? How did he make me feel like it was all my fault?

He manipulated my mind to think whatever he wanted and see whatever he wanted me to see and I still didn't want to leave. His mask only began to crack in my eyes when she came to get her stuff.

When she spoke those honest words that I always needed to hear but never wanted to. Monroe was the reason I wanted to get out. I replayed her kinds words of forgiveness in my mind everyday until that day last week where I finally got out. I finally escaped but I still don't feel free.

I live my life in fear that one day he will come and find me, he has the resources and it wouldn't be hard to find me but I have to remember why I stayed. For justice.

Justice for Monroe, justice for me and justice for any woman in his line of sight. We all deserve happiness, especially Monroe and I still blame myself everyday for her heartache so I won't stop until I see her happy and healing.

I breathed deeply through the pain, I lent off of the walls and finally reached to place the key in the keyhole. As soon as I closed the door I lent against it, feeling the emotional and physical exhaustion.

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