*Im pregnant.*

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This was a big decision. I looked at Thomason for reassurance  and he smiled slightly nodding.

I sighed and looked at Adrian, Ebony and Olivia.

"Ok, so this is going to be hard to explain." I started. "So i'm going to have these guys show you. Whatever you do, do not freak out and just have a open mind about it yeah?"

They nodded and I sighed. I stepped back and watched Riley, Shonna, Charlie and Emily stand side by side.

They started stripping from there clothes and Adrian stood up.

"Woah, Anita? Are you giving us a strip show?" I smacked Adrian up behind his neck making him sit down.

Charlie and Riley was growling and I shot them a apologetic look.

They calmed down but nodded.

"Ok, ready?"

Olivia and Ebony nodded.

"Go." I said.

"Yes luna." They all spoke before they went on all fours, soon the bone breaking nose filled the room and I winced and cringed, as if I was going through that pain.

I saw there spine broke in half, making there skin almost pop.

Fur sprouted from unknown places swirling all over there body.

There face stretched out in different positions, flappy ears growing from there skulls.

Soon 4 wolfs stood before me and I watched in amazement.

Charlie wolf was huge, brown fur with hazel eyes.

Riley had a bigger wolf assuming because he was Warrior. It was a Grey with white shades over his left eye and his right paw. It was adorable. But his eyes was a glowing royal blue, indicating his warrior title.

Emily wolf was a dirty blonde, almost amber looking orange. It was smaller than Riley's but she had blue eyes.

Now Shonna wolf was the cutest. It was a little creamish wolf with green specks. It had green forest eyes and was curling up under Charlie.

I looked behind me and saw Olivia, Ebony and Adrian staring with there jaws open and eyes wide at the 4 wolves before them.

"Artemis is a wolf as well, so is Thomason. I'm the Luna of the pack."

Adrian looked at me then back at the wolf. "S-so like the m-mother?"

I nodded. "Yeah, like the mother. Im Artemis mate and he is a Alpha. Riley is the warrior wolf, so he trains every werewolf to fight and become the strongest wolf here, Thomason here is the beta."

I paused and looked at Ebony. "Ebony, I think you know...Thomason is your mate, which makes you the female beta, lower rank than the alpha but very high in a pack.

If Anything was ever to happen to Artemis or I, you would become the next Luna and Thomason the next alpha. Since Sebastian is to young, he would have to wait to become the Alpha."

I looked at Thomason before sighing. "I know this is a lot to take it, but I only told you because I couldn't keep anymore secrets from you, let alone make you wonder what happened to me."

"W-what did happen to you?" Olivia spoke, her voice squeaky like as she stared at Emily, Shonna, Charlie and Riley. There were now back in human form, putting back on there clothes.

I frowned, anger swirling inside of me. "I don't know yet. But when I do, I will inform you."

Because Someone Still hasn't come to check on me or see me in the past 3 weeks.

Little Bite LunaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz