23 - [EDITED]

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The next morning, after waking up and quickly having breakfast Ashley and Paul went to Emily's house. Jared was also bringing Kim there too and the three imprints would spend the day together until the rest of the pack came back.

Ashley knew Paul didn't want to admit but he was worried too. No one knew the exact number of newborns they would face today. The whole morning was uncomfortable between the couple as both of them were rightfully so lost in their own chain of thoughts.

For the whole way to Emily's, they didn't say a word to each other, because any topic they'd talk about would lead to the matter at hand and they were already thinking about it.

She also wanted to talk to her family, specifically her parents, she wanted to wish them luck and wanted another promise of coming back unharmed. However, she knew it wasn't going to happen, they were busy. Nonetheless, the thought of losing anyone from her family was unbearable.

When they got to the house everyone both Jacob and Seth were there. Paul told Ashley earlier that both of them would be accompanying Edward and Bella. Learning that piece of information was both relieving and alarming.

Relieving because both Edward and the wolves had back up. Alarming because Jacob would find out about the proposal.

Although Ashley wouldn't mind that being the biggest problem they were having rather than Victoria and her newborn army.

Ashley could sense the nervousness in everyone, it wasn't an easy thing to do. Even though no one wanted to admit or say anything out loud, everyone was worried about the possible worst-case scenarios.

The pack spent the next hours together, trying to calm the nerves. The Cullens told them where to meet, at the time of the army's arrival, because their scent might've covered up the fake trail they planted or tip them off.

Since the wolves were the element of surprise, they literally had to be that and needed to stay away until they came so the army would be caught blindsided.

"I wonder how lover boy's doing," Jared spoke up. He, Kim, Ashley, Paul, and Embry were sitting together. 

Embry smirked. "If they haven't killed each other yet, I guess they'll make it,"

Ashley rolled her eyes. "They won't kill each other, Bella wouldn't let them," 

"Yeah, we know, we're just joking," Paul mumbled

Ashley shrugged. "Fine, I just don't like conversations involving the death of loved ones,"

Before anything else could be said Claire Young ran toward the group, followed by Quil. She was laughing as she ran away from him. Quil also had a big smile on his face as he chased her.

"Well, it's nice to see that at least someone's having fun and laughing," Kim said as the group watched the pair.

When the time came for everyone to go it was bad. Ashley, Kim, and Emily were hugging their boyfriends, Claire was crying because her play-friend was going away. 

"Don't worry Clair-bear, I'll be back shortly," Quil told her as he hugged her.

The girls watched them leave then got inside the house.

Meanwhile, the Cullens -except Edward- were standing ready at the opening. They had smeared Bella's blood to the trees to lead them there. As the army got close and reached the place, the Cullens shot forward.

Jasper was at the front, running straight into them as he knocked one of the vampires down with a punch. Then he moved on to the next one while Emmett crashed into another and pushed him to the ground.

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now