Chapter 35| Noah

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"So, is it true?" Some guy who's sitting behind me whispers in my ear. I raise my head from my notes and turn to look at him. 

"What is?" I say raising my brows surprised by his question. He scoffs amused with a vivid glint in his eyes.

"You and Rachel Brody, dude!" He slaps my shoulder in response and I freeze in my spot.


"Oh, come on don't play dumb with me."

"Where did you hear that?" What the hell!

"It's been spreading around campus like wildfire all morning. Everybody is talking about it!" He says again looking at me expectantly. That would explain the weirds looks coming my way on my way here and at the dorm. I thought maybe I looked way too tired and like a homeless person because of my unshaved face and tangled hair. Apparently I was wrong. How did i become the gossip of the campus? I hate being at the spotlight, the shadows are my usual scene and I'm fine with that.

"Don't believe everything you hear." I snort in derision before turning my back to him while texting to Mark that he's dead. If only that guy could keep his mouth closed then I wouldn't have to kill him.

"I saw her outside your room this morning." A girl beside me says and I look at her confused.

"How do you know it was my room?" I can't believe what is happening!

"Um, I live across from you." She says with a flat tone. Dammit! There's no escape from this. I shrug my shoulders trying to remain calm so I don't give anything away.

"Maybe she was with my roommate." I whisper back to the girl and the guy from behind me jumps into the conversation again.

"You're full of shit. Why won't just admit it?"

"Because it's none of your business!" I snap at him gritting my teeth. The guy raises his hand accepting defeat and turns his attention in the front. The girl too.

I hate college! It's like one big high school with all the drama multipled by a hundred! I've managed to remain invisible for almost 4 years but when you get involved with the most popular girl in campus ruins that for you. 

Half an hour later I'm picking my stuff to get the hell out of here.

Once I'm out the door there she is looking so damn beautiful that I forget everything. My mind is blank, filled only with her image as she talking and waving to several people with a huge grin on her face. 

Again it's like the world stopped and I'm watching her in slow motion. What's up with that lately? When did my life became a chick flick movie?

I'm standing there with my hands in my pockets fighting miserably the smile forming in my face.

She raises her sight and meets mine. She looks even happier than before and comes at me with steady steps. I crook my head to the side taking in her appearance. She has her hair up in a ponytail with a few stands loose highlighting her face. She has on a pair of light high waisted jeans with a white crop top hoodie on top along with her stan smiths. She looks so fresh and young while I look like a hobo. She's a few inches away from me and involuntarily I raise my hand to tag those loose strands of hair behind her ear.

"Hey kettle." I say sheepishly and she smiles at me.

"You look tired." She says and frowns her brows when she takes a good look at me.

"Well, I am." I nod scratching my chin that feels rough as my beard is starting to grow. "The question is how you're not?"

"I had an interesting night and an even better morning." She says, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Did you now? Tell me all about it " i smirk at her and she chuckles placing her hands on my chest. I immediately cup her face. 

"You look so good unshaved. Gives a certain something, makes you look all  mysterious and so hot." She says stroking my cheek and I can feel my heart jumping around in my chest.

"And here I was, thinking I look like a homeless person." I grin and lean in to kiss her but with the corner of my eye I catch a group of people staring at us, whispering and I stop myself.

"What's wrong?" She says surprised by my retreat.

I put my hands in my pockets again as I can feel them itching to touch her and look at her.

"People are talking about us, it's the latest piece of gossip." I say with a stern face.

"So?" She crooks her head to the side looking at me confused.

"I don't like it." I answer in the same tone as before.

"Shocking." She says sarcastically with a bitter tone and then she signs. "How do you want to play this? Want me to back off? To fall off of the face of the earth? To stop talking to you? Just say the word." She says and takes a couple of steps backwards crossing her arms over her chest. I chuckle a little with how annoyed she looks and she frowns her brows even more.

"No." I say and shake my head.

"Well then, there is no middle ground here. Since you don't want to put a label in this," she points at me and then at her "it's either dealing with people talking about it or we stop altogether. Take your pick."

"You seem mad." I say grinning to her and she huffs.

"I am, you doofus! Whenever you act as if you're insulted when people associate me with you I get mad! I mean wh.."

"Hey kettle? Wanna be my girlfriend?" I ask with a cheeky smile on my face and she looks at me dumbfounded.

"Very much so!" She says almost out of breath and I grab her and kiss the life out of her right there and then, on a hallway filled with people looking at us!

A/N: Sup you beautiful people?? Life has been crazy for the last few weeks but I'm dealing with it. I have great things planned for the near future so keep your eyes open!!! Anyway I hope you're doing ok with the whole scary ass 👑 virus!! I'm terrified btw thanks for asking!
Anyway more of Noah and Rachel coming soon! Love to hear what you think! And as always make me smile by pressing the little star below ⬇️⬇️⬇️.
Thanks for reading!!

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