Into The Darkness - Sample

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Mr. Assassin removed his hand from my chin and wiped away the tear which had made a trail down my left cheek. I opened my mouth to speak, but no actual words came out, so I closed it again. He took a hold of my hands and removed them from around his neck. He then proceeded to place both of my hands in his right one, as he turned around and dragged me after him into the hallway beyond the elevators gaping doors. I was terrified, trembling from my head to my toes as I was being forced to follow him down the hallway. I tried to slow our pace down a bit to get a chance to think, to make a plan, but it only resulted in is iron grip becoming even tighter around my wrists. There was no escape, not from him.

We went around the last turn, and the long straight hallway with my hotel room at the very end of it was once again before us. I wanted someone to open one of the doors in front of us, to save me, but I was also deathly afraid of what that might result in. He would kill anyone in his way, he would not leave any loose ends. He had already proven that by following me to my hotel. I was a loose end after all. I didn't want any blood on my hands, so I kept quiet as he dragged me closer and closer to the end of the hallway, to my final destination.

Suddenly he came to an abrupt halt, and I nearly crashed into his backside as a result. My mind had been present, and yet not really present at all. We were here, we were in front of my door. He let go of my trembling hands and looked at me expectantly. It took a moment for me to realize what he actually wanted. I took a shallow breath of air and fished the hotel rooms key out of my pocket. I inserted it into the lock, which was a herculean task considering how badly I was trembling, and opened the door.

The lights were off inside the room, an eerie sort of feeling seemed to emanate from the darkness beyond. I braced myself as I crossed the threshold and entered into the waiting darkness. My feet glued themself to the plush carpet in the middle of the room, my back facing the killer behind me. I did not look behind me to see if he had followed me into the room, I didn't want to know. To turn around and make sure that he was still here would make all of this more real, too real.

Please be gone...

Please, please just be gone...

Just a figment of my overactive imagination... Because this can't actually be happening...

I concentrated on breathing in and out, slowly, evenly. Getting a panic attack at this very moment would be counterproductive. The click of the door closing behind me broke the silence. He was still here, this was all real. The lights flickered on, and I jumped as I heard his voice for the very first time.

«I am going to give you two choices,» He said, his voice claiming my attention.

His voice was nothing like I had imagined it. I had thought that it would sound cold, or dark and rough. I had thought that it would match his eyes. But no, his voice was gentle, like silk sliding across your skin. It was pleasing to the ear, a lie hiding the cruelty lingering beneath.

I turned around and faced him, my blue eyes meeting his dark brown orbs. He was leaning rather casually against the door which led to the hallway, the gun back in his hand.

«The first choice, you leave this hotel room, go where I tell you to go, drawing no attention to yourself what so ever, and wait for me at the place I specify.» He paused, pushed himself away from the door, and took a step towards me. It took everything in me not to flinch away from him. «Because make no mistake, I will know if you try to alert someone, and I will have to clean the mess up. I will have to clean your mess up.» He was right in front of me now, his voice a harsh silky whisper in my ear as he leaned in close.

When Death takes noticeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora