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Right now I was in the middle of history class, another one of my least favourite classes. History is pointless all that shit already happened.

"Olivia please answer the question" oh shit. What did she just say? Why would she ask me I'm clearly not paying attention. What a bitch.

"Who cares, this is ancient history anyways" I responded with an eye roll. I think this was a history class at least.

"You just landed yourself into detention ms. Blake." jokes on her I already had detention today anyways because apparently, I had an attitude with my math teacher.

"What's new" I muttered, sarcastically. I then directed my attention back to my thoughts. Daydreaming is truly a wonderful thing.

It was now lunch Reagan and I were at Starbucks.

"Vanilla bean frappe please," I told the cashier. Once I got my drink I went and sat beside Reagan.

"I have detention again," I told her simply.

"What did you do this time?" She said with a laugh.

"I had an attitude in two classes but it doesn't really matter because Jacob finishes work early and is gonna go get Abby" I really didn't mind detention it was a nice break. I can just read, draw or even nap.

"So I need the gossip on motorcycle boy because as your best friend I'm offended that I know nothing," she said dramatically. Being over-dramatic was kind of Reagan's thing.

"Well if you must know I met him In detention and we just kinda talked so he gave me a ride home, it's no big deal" I rolled my eyes "were just friends so you can relax".

"He's hot, you should ask him out," she told me.

"No Reagan, I'm probably not even gonna see him again, plus he was annoying and he ate my chips!" I practically shouted the last part.

Now it was Reagan's turn to roll her eyes. "It's food chill the fuck out," she told me.

"It was MY food, MINE!!" I know I was overreacting but never mess with a girl and her food.

"Anyways, I was thinking and I have a fantastic idea" Reagan exclaimed.

"Oh no, that's never a good thing" I muttered.

"Hey!" She exclaimed playfully.

"Sorry carry on with your idea," I said with a cheeky grin spread across my face.

"Ok, so I was thinking we should skip the rest of our classes and Uber to the mall!" She said.

"I don't know, I'm really not in the mood to get in a fight with Jacob especially because he's already being annoying about the whole motorcycle thing" I would usually be up for breaking a few rules but something was stopping me this time.

"Common Olivia. You don't have to pick up Abby today, we can go shopping it will be awesome please" she practically bagged.

"Okay, I guess" I wasn't sure about this.

"Yay. I'll call an Uber, this is gonna be awesome" she told me.


We just arrived at the mall and we're looking around brandy Melville at the moment. I was trying to find a shirt that wasn't fifty fucking dollars while Reagan was buying everything with the money her parents gave her.

Her parents aren't home very often because their workaholics so they buy her love with expensive clothing and a never-ending flow of cash.

I have to admit sometimes I was jealous of her and the life that she had, she had parents who loved her even if they did work a lot but overall she was still my best friend.

Reagan has been my best friend for as long as I can imagine she's been with me threw everything.

I looked over to my side to see Reagan coming out of the change room with piles of clothes.

"Ready," She asked.

"Ya," I said, following her to the cash register.

"You're not getting anything," She asked.

"Nah, there's nothing I like" that was a lie there was so much stuff I liked but everything was so pricy and I couldn't afford to spend $40 on a mini skirt right now. Besides if I told her I couldn't afford it she would try to buy me everything and I didn't want that.

After we looked at a few more clothing stores and Reagan bought everything once again went to go see a movie. Once we got to the movie theatre I noticed a now hiring flyer, so I took a picture of it with my phone.

"Olivia?" Someone said from behind me. The voice sounded somewhat familiar but I don't know why or from where.

"Aiden?" I exclaimed turning around. "What are you doing here?".

"I was just dropping off a friend" he looked suspicious.

"Motorcycle guy?" Reagan asked me while motioning to Aiden. I mentally facepalmed. Now he's gonna think I told my friends about him like some twelve-year-old girl with a crush.

"I believe that's me, nice to meet you. I'm Aiden," he said shaking her hand, he had that stupid smirk on his face.

"I see, I'm Reagan the best friend"

"So what are you guys doing here?" He asked.

"We just finished shopping so we decided to see a movie," I said.

Reagan randomly put her phone up to her ear and started talking.

"Hey I have to go home," she told us.

"Your phone literally didn't even ring" I stated. She was up to something.

"That's irrelevant Olivia" she glared at me, what did I do?

"Anyways, I have to go so why don't you guys go see a movie together," she said. I knew she was up to something.

"Sure. I'm up for it if you are," Aiden said.

"Sure" I didn't wanna seem like a total bitch so I agreed. Reagan smiled in victory then left.

"Wanna get out of here, there are no good movies on right now," he said pulling out his keys.

"Sure" I didn't really wanna see a movie anyways. Besides I didn't feel like going home yet knowing that I'm probably gonna get yelled at.

We walked out to his motorcycle.

"Where are we going," I asked as I got on the back of his motorcycle.

"It's a surprise"

A/N: interesting. What're your opinions on Aiden? Liked the chapter?

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