Chapter 9

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Gryffindor won. Hermione was upset because she thought that Harry had cheated but Harry explained that he hadn't actually used the potion.

"That's brilliant, actually," Hermione said in awe.

Harry snorted. "You don't have to sound so surprised about it."

"No, that's not—" Hermione froze, her mouth falling open slightly.

Harry turned to see what she was looking at and his eyes widened. Ron and Lavender were kissing amongst the crowd of celebrating Gryffindors in the common room. Harry turned to console Hermione but she was rushing out the door. Harry followed after her. Harry caught up to her in an abandoned staircase where she sat, head buried in her knees. Harry sat next to her and put an arm around her shoulders. She turned and buried her face in his shoulder.

Harry didn't know what to say. He thought that Hermione and Ron were dating! Maybe they hadn't actually gone out and were beating around the bush. But if they fancied each other, why the hell was Ron snogging Lavender?

As if his thought had summoned them, Ron and Lavender came giggling down the corridor.

"Oops," Lavender said, pulling on Ron's arm. "I think this spot is taken."

Ron looked at his friends but Hermione didn't even glance up.


"Come on, Ron," Lavender interrupted, still pulling on his arm.

"Just go," Harry said.

Ron seemed to want to say more but he let Lavender drag him down the corridor.


She shook her head and got to her feet. "Don't worry about it. I'm going to go to my room and study."

"Okay, but if you want to talk..."

She nodded, a small smile forming on her lips. "I know. Thanks, Harry."

He watched her leave, wondering why they couldn't just admit their feelings to each other. Then his thoughts couldn't help but shift to Draco. He was in a similar situation so he couldn't judge them for not telling each other of their feelings.

Screw his old plan to get information out of Draco by befriending him. Everything was different now.

And maybe it was time that he took the plunge.


After Harry had grabbed his invisibility cloak from his dorm, he walked down to the dungeons. It was pretty late but he stumbled upon a few Slytherins wandering toward their common room and was able to get in with them. The common room was packed with people, talking and badmouthing Gryffindors for how they no doubt cheated because that's the only way that they would have won. There were even people badmouthing Draco for not being on the team this year which let Harry know that Draco had to be up in his dorm.

He walked up the stairs, glad that all the doors had the names of the occupants spelled on them. He found Draco's room at the end of the hallway. He opened it as quietly as he could and peeked inside. There were four beds in the room but only one was occupied. It was Draco.

Harry stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He looked over at Draco's bed to see the boy sleeping. He was lying on top of the covers, in black silk pajamas (of course they were silk). His hair was disheveled and there were papers and books scattered around him. He no doubt fell asleep while finishing homework.

No one else was in the room so Harry thought about waking him. Then he looked at the bags under Draco's eyes and thought better of it. Harry turned to leave when he heard Draco stir. He thought that he was waking up but Draco's eyes were screwed shut, a pained look on his face. Draco started thrashing in bed, the books and papers around him clattering to the floor. His cheeks were reddening and sweat accumulated on his forehead.

Harry threw off his cloak and rushed to his side. He put his hands on his shoulders and started shaking him, asking him to wake up. Draco didn't seem to hear. He thrashed harder, mumbling about something or someone, Harry couldn't tell.

"Wake up, Draco. You're having a nightmare." Harry brought his hands up to Draco's cheeks, brushing tears away. "It's okay. I'm here. You're safe, just wake up."

Draco's hands suddenly launched out and gripped Harry's upper arms and pulled. Harry fell on top of Draco and then Draco turned on his side, their legs tangling together as Draco buried his face in Harry's chest and then went still. Harry's arms had made their way around Draco's neck and he didn't dare move in fear of waking the other. But he couldn't let anyone else find him like this. Carefully, he reached down into his pocket for his wand that was jamming his stomach and waved it at the mess of books and papers on the floor. They organized themselves and settled on Draco's nightstand. He then spelled his cloak under the bed and closed the curtains.

Harry was cold without the blankets but was contented to settle closer into Draco's arms. It was odd at first but he realized that it felt nice to be held like this. Even if it was Malfoy. Especially if it was Malfoy. He knew that once Draco woke up and saw him there, that he'd throw him out of his bed but at the moment, everything was okay and everything was as it should be. At least what he was starting to hope for.

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