17 Paperwork*

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Lilly's POV

I take off running. I can't wait to see him. It's been too long.

"Let's go then!" My wolf yells and I pick up the pace.

I tear through the woods as fast as my legs will carry me. I know father said 2 hours but with how fast I'm going it takes me just a little over one.

I shift and get dressed in the woods near the Midnight Moon's pack house. As I make my way up to the house I see the boy that we saved.

"Hey!" I call to him and he comes over to me.

"Hey! Your the lady from Red Rivers Pack!" He says with a smile "I'm Brayden by the way... you didn't get in trouble with your Alpha because of me did you?"

I remember how father called me out of the room as soon as he woke up. He must have thought he caused me problems.

"Naw little man. The Alpha is actually my dad he just wanted to let me know he was staying with Alpha Aaron and your pack for the night." I tell him. It seems so long ago now. "Speaking of... where is your Alpha?"

"Alpha Mason's your DAD?!" He shudders at the thought "scary!" I can't help but laugh my dad's not scary... well most of the time. "Fallow me!"

Brayden leads me into the pack house. "You're pretty!" He says stopping inside the door. "Do you like younger men?" My jaw drops. The little player! I try not to laugh. I don't need to respond though because a voice washes over us and we both turn to find its origin.

"She's spoken for, pup." Aaron says coming onto view.

"Ari!" Brayden yells and tackles Aaron in a hug. The boy barely moves him. Aron wraps his arms around Brayden as his eyes lock onto mine. "I found her outside. She was looking for you. Did you know Alpha Mason is her dad! Oh my gosh he's so scary. I couldn't imagine living with him. I think I'd pass out when ever I saw him. Like the middle of breakfast plop! Head in my cereal bowl! I mean he..."

Brayden cuts off his breathless rant when Aaron looks down at him.

"Sorry... I got excited." His eyes drop to his shoes under the weight of Aaron's gaze.

"It's fine buddy." Aaron says and the boy perks up. "You found her?"

"Well.... she found me but I brought her in... we were going to your office!"

Alpha Aaron's POV

I could smell her as soon as she came up to the house.

"Mate!" My wolf yelled at the first whiff of her kiwi scent.

I left my office to meet them.

Brayden was making a move on Lilly. That boy! Thinks he's got chance.

"She's spoken for pup." I tell him and he runs to me. I can't take my eyes off her.

Brayden was rambling but I was hardly paying attention to him. I watched Lilly while the boy went on and on under my arm not even stopping for a breath. Eventually, I cut him off with a look.

"Sorry." He says "I got excited." Brayden looks away avoiding my eyes. I wish it were just Lilly and I but I can't ignore my boy.

"It's fine buddy." I tell him. I try to think of what he was telling me. "You found her?" I ask. Trying to make it look like I was actually listening to him.

"Well.... she found me but I brought her in... we were going to your office!" He says happily.

"You have a son?" Lilly asks breaking me from my conversation with Brayden. Crap! I never thought to mention him before. I'm saved by the little wolfs voice.

 Alpha LillyWhere stories live. Discover now