Chapter 15 - Heading home

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(Jess/Skylar POV)

I can't believe Zayn found out. As much as I trust him, i'm just twice as scared now that Louis will find out. What's worse, is he actually convinced me to go back to the UK with him. I want to go but it is too risky and i'm still not ready to tell Lou. He will probably kill me when he finds out. What have I done?

Josh and I are heading to the studio right now with suitcases in hand. I told zayn I would go but depending on how things are, depends how long we actually stay for. He was okay with that but I am pretty sure he will do everything he can to get me to stay. Our flight leaves this evening yet the rest of the boys still don't know we have agreed to come. When we get back to London it is just going to be work work work, so hopefully I won't  have a panic attack around Lou. We have the video for Live While Were Young to film and Zayn is desperate for me to be in it and there is no way I can persuade him to let me just sit and watch.

As we entered the Studio, five unusually quiet boys staggered in apart from Zayn, who looked wide awake. They had obviously been partying hard last night as all of them were wearing sunglasses and hats to cover up. Zayn on the other hand stayed at mine last night and was just standing there smirking at the boys, who looked like they could pounce on him if there heads weren't pounding.

'LONG NIGHT BOYSSSS!' I decided to shout to annoy them, even though I know what it feels like to have a hangover. They all groaned whilst Josh, Zayn and I burst out laughing. Megane, Kate and Scarlett wandered in with their suitcases too. Scar had already agreed to go the UK weeks ago when Liam asked her, seeing as she has never been before and wanted to see what it was like. Megane and Kate told the boys yesterday they had decided to come as-well as they 'fancied going'. More like they didn't want to leave Harry and Niall, whose faces lit up when they found out. Remind me later to get them together. The girls soon realised what we were all giggling about and soon joined in the fun.




Oh the joy of terrorising people with hangovers.

'Guys please keep the noise down my heading is banging.' Liam pleaded and Niall nodded in agreement, looking completely out of it.

'I am never drinking alcohol again.' Harry whispered and the rest of them mumbled in agreement. Like that is ever going to happen. They will be fine by tomorrow and back to partying by the time we land back home. A small silence grew in the room as the rest of us took a seat whilst Zayn pulled me onto his lap and held me close. He kissed my cheek gently, leaving goosebumps on my arms. Pulling away he smiled sweetly making me blush. Nothing new but it never gets old.

'Hey Jess is that your suitcases over there?' Lou's voice spoke barely as he lifted his sunglasses and pointed the cases in the corner of the room.

'Yes they are. Zayn finally convinced us to come back to the Uk with you guys. We just don't know how long for yet.' A smile grew on all of the boys faces and they cheered silently, careful not add more pain to themselves. I giggled lightly as Josh looked down and started texting. He had been quiet the past couple of days because Seth couldn't get off of work to come and join us on the trip but they promised to call and skype each other all of the time. They really are sweet together.

Paul came in and startled they boys as they were just drifting off to sleep. I laughed again and they gripped onto their heads.

'Come on boys get up. There is paracetamol in the draw over there and then I need you in the booth in 5 minutes, for some last minute work before we leave got it? Good.' They all groaned and  flopped off of their seats, crawling towards where they were needed. I shook my head at their childishness. Zayn gave me one last kiss on the lips whispering 'I will see you later beautiful' into my ear before following them towards the sound booth.

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