Chapter 2

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 . After pre calculus, I went to honors English, I was in all upper classes because I need to get into a good college, I already finished all my credits to graduate high school this summer. Plus I'm taking college classes online. I guess you can say I'm an overachiever but I don't want to waste my time. I'm not going to stay at the rate of the slowest of my class, I would rather take things into my own hands. Work at my pace. I need to get out of here, high school isn't for me. I walked out English and walked through the hall to meet up with Juliet and Lea.

"Hey chickas" I said walking with them down the hall way filled with dark lockers that looked like they didn't belong to the building itself.

"Oh god! I have a History test" Lea said panicking as she looked through her over organized binder.

"Sucks" I said smirking know that she hated testing. She was smart, but when it came to tests she went blank.

"Shut up, you have no say in this because I'm so smart I finished all my credits and don't have half the classes we do" Juliet said mocking me making me laugh at her.

"I got to go" I said slipping into History class. I sat down in the back just before the bell rang. The teacher started talking about the French revolution. I sighed and put my head down, I already finished my paper on that topic so why not sleep.

I was asleep for about half of the period till a book was slammed next to me. I turned my head to the side and saw Mason asleep, well was asleep. The teacher had slammed the book on his desk. He shot up almost falling out of his chair.

"Have you finished your paper?" the teacher asked him with a slight glare.

"I don't even think anyone has started it" he said back to him, the teach raised his eyebrow.

"Get to work." he said walking back to his desk.

"Get to work" Mason mumbled mocking Mr. Calvin, I couldn't help but let out a small muffled laugh. Mason looked over at me with a charming smirk. I felt my cheek redden and hide my head in my arms. I heard him chuckle so I turned my head so I could see him. He was leaning against his elbow looking at me smiling, this just made me blush more which made him smile more. I looked at him, yeah he's pretty hot anyone could see that. He had shirt styled brown hair with the bluest eyes. I have known his since freshman year but didn't talk to him. I felt him looking at me so I looked up into his eyes, and smiled at him.

"You should start your paper" I told him sitting back up at my desk.

"You should too" he said fiddling with his pencil.

"I already finished it." I told him, I looked up at the clock, seconds away from the bell. I got up and tossed my backpack on my back. I started walking to the door and as soon as I opened it the bell rang. I walked down stairs to the library, for the next 4 periods I have study hall till lunch. I got out my text book about ancient Egypt. I had to write an essay on it for some college classes I'm taking. I usually did this everyday.

After two periods some people walked in the library. I sat at a table away from everyone, the table surrounded by bookshelves. I kept on reading and highlighting, taking notes for my essay. Then I heard someone sit down in front of me, I didn't bother to look up till I felt some one looking at me. I slowly looked up to meet dark brown eyes. Ky sat there smiling, he had an algebra text book in front of him. I looked back to my book, I tried so hard to focus on the text in front of me but I just couldn't. I could feel his eyes on me, as if he was memorizing every detail. I took my pen and started writing down some notes.

old kingdom of Egypt

*2650-2150 Bc

* this period is characterized by the pyramid constructing, including the saqqara and giza necropolis.

*by the end of the 6th Dynasty, small provincial principalities emerged to challenge Pharaonic power.

Come on Levi focus, don't look up, whatever you do don't look up at him. Oh god, why me I'm so weird and awkward,why is he here. Out of all the seats he had to choice the seat in front of mine. I felt my phone buzz so I took it out from my pocket and saw a text from Juliet saying.

I need help on the battle of shiloh, I don't even know which war this is?Please! I'll buy you lunch or something.

I chuckled to myself and replied saying that I'm where I'm always at. I looked up and once again my eyes met his, but I didn't look away, nor did he. Then he smiled showing his perfect straight teeth. I gave him a small smile and looked back at my text book.

"Awh dimples" he said, my eyes got wide as I looked back up at him.

"What?" I asked with slightly wide eyes.

"You have dimples" he said still smiling.

"Oh yeah the facial muscle called zygomaticus major which are shorter than normal thus causing pulls on the skin" I rambled,crap when I get nervous or something I tend to ramble....alot. Why do I have to be so stupid. Ky sat there a little confused at my rambling.

"Sorry" I whispered and went back to my book.

"No, how did you even know that?" he asked me as he leaned farther on the table.

"I did a paper about genetic mutations" I said back worried that I would ramble again.

"Mutations?" he asked as he spun a pen between his fingers.

"A cell deformation that gets passed through hereditary genetics" I said, he nodded still looking at me, but thank the lord Juliet walked in with Lea, they spotted me then both looked at Ky then smiled at me.

"Hey Levi" they both said. I smiled at them and Ky looked at them. He gathered his things before getting up.

"I have class, but I'll see you in PE" he said walking off with his book bag on one shoulder.

"Oh my god!" Juliet squealed as I glared at her.

"Shut it" I whispered harshly at her.

"I don't want to talk about it" I said as they sat down.

"Awhhhh what happened?" Lea asked with knowing eyes. Do they really think anything happened.

"I'm embarrassing that's what happened" I said slamming my head down on my book.

"Did you do that smart weird rambling thing?" Juliet asked smirking. I just groaned into the text book.

"Awh poor baby" Lea said patting my head. I sat up and sighed, I'll see him in PE which right after lunch.

"So the battle of Shiloh?" I asked Juliet, trying to get to a different topic then me embarrassing myself in front of Ky.

"Yeah its some battle fault in like the revolution " she said rolling her eyes

"The civil war" I corrected her taking notes from my book.

"How do you know and remember that! it's so boring" she said frustrated as she ruffled her short hair.

"The battle was fault April 6 1862, Shiloh produced more than 23,00 casualties and was the bloodiest battle in American history at that time." I said still not taking my eyes off my book.

"Why do you have to be the smart and pretty one?" Lea asked as she crumbled small pieces of paper up before tossing them at me. With Lead and Juliet here I didn't get any work done. They kept gossiping and messing around. After a while the bell rang for lunch, I put my thing in my bag and we walked to the cafeteria.

"You guys wanna go out for lunch or stay here?" I asked them. We usually always went out for lunch.

"Nope, there having pizza for lunch" Lea said , we got to the cafeteria and the everyone went in line, I wasn't hungry plus I brought an apple. I went to are table and sat down. I was going through tumblr when I felt someone sitting next to me, looking up to see Mason with his charming smile

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