Are you ashamed of me?

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Elle stood near the jersey listening to its owner's worries.

Her hands were patting the cow's body to make it accustomed to her touch.

"She has not been eating properly and is lethargic to even walk."

"What about milking?"

"She was milking much more than her normal capacity since last few days but now she is not giving any."

Elle nodded as she placed her hand near the cow's face to find it's pulse.

"Has she calved recently?"

"Yes..she gave birth to a calf a few days back"

Finally, Elle measured her temperature and her doubts were confirmed.

96°F was much lower than its normal temperature of 101.5 .

She pulled an injection and filled it with the required medicine.
Gently placing her one hand on the cow she injected the medicine.
Slowly rubbing over the spot she turned to her owner.

"Will she be fine...I am really worried... that's why I called you from the city..."

"Don't worry she will recover in 2-3 days.
Due to calving and over milking her calcium levels have dropped and she is having milk fever. It's good you called me early ,before it reached the third stage."

"Oh thank god! That's a relief!"

"I have injected her with one-third heterogeneous mixture of calcium and it's substituted. She will be back to normal in a few days."

The owner sighed and thanked her as she smiled back at him.

Her phone rang and she excused herself.

It was Ashton's driver and she wondered why he was calling her.

"Ma'am I am sorry to disturb you but Sir has forgotten his phone in your car.
He needs it urgently...can you tell me your location so that I can collect it?"

"I was on my way back..... don't worry I will give it to him."

"Are you sure Ma'am....or I can collect don't need to-"

"It's completely fine for me don't worry."

"Okay Ma'am thanks"

Elle made her way back to her car to see 34 missed calls on his phone.
It was locked as expected and she decided to hurry back.

On her way back his phone kept on ringing non-stop and she thought maybe it was important.

Name Amanda showed on the screen and for a second her heart felt heavy and ached.

Why was she calling him?

Didn't she say he had rejected her?

Ignoring she kept driving and soon she reached his multi-storey office building.

Stepping in she looked up at the interiors and gulped.
Her self consciousness returning.
She just came from a place surrounded by cows to a place like this.

Her eyes trailed lower to find her shoes covered in mud, ruining the shine of Italian tiles underneath.
Her jeans had patches of mud and her plain top was too plain for a place like this.

Sighing she opens her hair, allowing them to cover her face from everyone's gaze atleast.
Placing the fringe behind her ear she slowly approached the reception office.

3 model like women and one man were sitting there.
They had phone placed near their ears and each one of them was speaking to someone else.

People looked like robots here and she felt like to be the only human here.

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