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I tilt my head, gazing up at the large art work on the wall, a glass of delicious white wine in my hand. I feel so... posh, in my expensive pant suit, gazing at outrageously priced art. I subtly glance around the room, feeling one hundred percent out of my element and positive that someone will call me out as a fraud. It makes no sense for me to be here, I sigh as I take in all the famous people - recognizing most from my own music tastes, TV preferences, and different talk shows.

"See anything you like?" Zach runs a hand through his perfectly coifed dark hair, somehow not messing it up one bit. He joins me in observing the painting - a massive canvas full of paint splatters in nudes, beiges and browns, some smaller smatterings of black thrown in as well.

"Please," I scoff, "I can't even afford to actually be in this room." I laugh to hide my nerves, sipping my wine again. It's sweet and I'm finally starting to feel the effects lessening my anxiety.

"I'm sure Beau will get you a present," Zach eyes me in his peripherals, a knowing smile tugging at his lips. "If you ask nicely, of course." He adds and we both laugh at the absurdity of the thought. The drummer and I stand quietly for a few minutes, trying to figure out the abstract painting in front of us.

"Yeah, I don't know." I admit finally. "It seems like a silent auction kind of takes the fun out of the whole auction, no? Isn't the whole point to wave paddles around as some guy yells numbers way too fast?" I joke.

Zach laughs. "You prefer a little chaos, Emma?"

I bite my lip, thinking of the question and enjoying Zach's company. "Chaos? No. A little excitement never killed anyone, though."

A long arm drapes itself over my shoulder and without realizing, I lean into the tall frame naturally. "Hi," I sigh.

"Hi," Beau addresses us both. "Hey, Tyler and Jace are in the bathroom again." Beau tells his band mate. Zach groans as Beau continues. "I'd help, but I think if I go anywhere near them, Fiona will rip my head off." I wonder if he really would help or if he was just saying it because it sounds good.

"No, that's a good call. Better to keep you out of all this," Zach throws back his drink and gives me a small wave. "See ya later, Emma."

I wave after him, finishing the last of my wine, too. "Need more?" Beau grins mischievously, always ready for trouble.

I shake my head, scanning the rest of the room. "I think people are sitting for dinner,"

Beau nods, leading me to our table. Once seated, I notice the other occupants and blush. One of my favorite boy bands from when I was younger is just across from us, taking up the majority of the seats. "Sup, man," Beau barely nods at the other guys. I can't help but feel the tension around the table as we all get settled in - the other band seeming less than thrilled to be in our company.

Zach finally arrives, Tyler and Jace following just behind him, although Jace seems to be wobbly on his feet. "All good," He tells Beau above my head. "No way, Nick, Jake! How's it going?" Zach gives friendly hugs to the other band, but I can't catch the other three names and I actually don't remember them, either. Nick was always my favorite - big blue eyes, long lashes and shaggy blond hair, he was every girl's dream boy. Even now, years away from listening to their music, my heart flutters a little bit meeting my celebrity crush.

"Guys, this is Emma, I don't know if..." Zach drifts off and Beau tenses beside me. Of course he didn't introduce me - pleasantries aren't his thing.

"Hey, Emma." The guys wave and introduce themselves. I remain calm, certain the last thing they want to deal with is a fan girl, despite my heart flip flopping when Nick smiles.

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