Chapter Twenty Eight

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~Amy's POV~

I barely slept, I felt too terrible. I knew Dad didn't like boys, I shouldn't have had Shinso over, but I'd wanted to spend time with him and knew Dad would be upset if I'd left the house. Feeling sick with guilt, I slowly rolled out of bed an hour before my alarm was set to go off. It was pointless to try to sleep, I felt too bad. Dad had said some pretty mean things to Shinso, it was all my fault, I'd made a mess of everything and got Shinso's feelings hurt because of it.

I double checked my bags for the class camping trip to make sure I had everything. In my double checking I realized Dad had added some plushies he'd gotten me into my bag. I took them out and set them back on their respective shelves before packing the plushies Bakugo and Todoroki had gotten for me. After double and triple checking my bags, I used my quirk to move them quietly to sit next to the front door so they'd be ready when it was time to go. After making sure my bags were packed and ready to go, I hopped in the shower hoping it would help wake me up. I checked my reflection in the mirror on my way to the shower and froze, my eyes were bright red and puffy and my face was a little swollen. It definitely looked like I'd spent the entire night crying, which I had.

After a longer shower than usual, thanks to me zoning out halfway through and nearly falling out of the tub in my sleep deprived state, I dried off and changed into a pair of powder blue shorts and a grey sweatshirt layered over top of a white t-shirt. I wasn't sure what we had in store for our first day, I figured it would mostly be traveling and wanted to be comfortable. My eyes were still a little swollen and there were still some telltale signs of my sleep deprivation, in the form of dark circles beneath my swollen eyes. I sighed; it was almost time to go.

I didn't want to face Dad; I couldn't bear to see the look of disappointment on his face. I wasn't sure I could talk to him right now without bursting into tears. I'd really let him down, I should have known better, he didn't like me being around boys, I knew that. My stomach churned unpleasantly, I felt too guilty. My guilt weighed heavily on me, threatening to bring me to my knees.

There was a soft knock on my door. "Amy? It's almost time to go, come have breakfast." Dad called through the door.

My stomach twisted itself into painful knots. Was he still angry? I couldn't face him. My quirk activated reflexively and my door locked. "I-I'm not hungry." I cried while trying to keep my voice calm and under control but it ended up coming out somewhat quick and harsh.

"You should eat something." Dad tried the handle only to find it was locked. He hesitated outside my door for a moment, "alright." He trudged away and I slipped to my knees.

When it was time to go, I hid behind my hair and hurried for the door. I couldn't bear to see Dad look at me like he was disappointed in me. It might break me. Dad met me at the door. I was too scared to look up at him for fear of what kind of expression I'd see on his face.

"Were you going to leave without saying goodbye?" He asked, his voice sounded a little funny but I couldn't quite figure out what it was.

I didn't trust my voice. I could feel tears welling in my eyes. I shook my head hoping he could see.

"...We can talk about last night when you get back..." His voice still sounded a little funny, it seemed like he wanted to say more but was maybe also struggling. Maybe he was still angry and just trying to keep his anger in check. I felt even worse as I realized how upset I'd made him and it took all I had not to start crying again.

I nodded my head without looking at him.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him reach his hand out to me, but he hesitated and pulled back. I'd made him so angry he didn't even want to hug me! There was a knock at the door, startling us both.

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