Chapter 5 Panic Attack

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"Better?" he asked as I continued to stare.

Embarrassed to be caught out I looked down to Cissero and pet his head before glancing back up. Ice blue eyes continued to watch me almost analytically. I could only imagine what he was seeing and thinking, as his mind seemed to live in the gutter.

I had bed head and was still wearing the same clothes from last night. They were wrinkled and I was sure they smelled. I probably looked as groggy as I still felt, as well. I didn't usually stay up as late as I had last night. Not getting eight hours of sleep had never been a good look on me.

"So, I take it that means you did just get home?" he persisted.

I didn't know why he kept asking and I really didn't know why it was any of his business but the look on his face and his continued questioning made me feel he would keep at it until I answered.

"Yes," I finally said. "Thanks to you!" I tacked on for what reason I had no idea.

I should have known better but he was frustrating me. I didn't know how to handle this man. I didn't know what he wanted from me, I only knew how I reacted to him and even that I didn't really understand, I just knew I did. It was kind of impossible to hide from.

Pierce cocked his head at me. I noticed how is eyes had flashed when I first answered but he had followed that up with a sudden frown as I continued.

"Are you really trying to say spending the night with your boyfriend or boyfriends is my fault?" he lashed back. "You're exhausted because you're obviously having trouble keeping up. Maybe you should reconsider some of your life choices!"

Cissero didn't like the tone of his voice and neither did I. I especially didn't appreciate his insinuations either. I hadn't the first time he made them and I definitely didn't now. My life choices? I almost laughed. My mind boggled at what he was suggesting.

I calmed my pet before looking up to meet Pierce's direct accusing look with my own angry glare. Anxiety bubbled in my belly but the anger was a close second. I felt sick from the combination of emotions churning inside me but I knew I needed to defend myself.

No... not defend myself. I needed to stand up for myself. This man was evidently used to saying whatever he wanted. I had to make him see he couldn't do that with me. Especially about my friends.

Taking a deep breath, and taking a stand I unloaded my thoughts and feelings onto the unsuspecting man.

"I don't know why keep saying things like that but I don't appreciate it. don't know me and y... you don't know my friends," I stuttered out, hating the hesitations but unable to keep them from coming out.

I never confronted people. I have never really had to since freshman year. People left me alone after the guys and I became friends and the few times someone did mess with me usually one of them was around and they dealt with the situation. Handling this now on my own, was harder than I expected but I was so angry I couldn't keep silent.

I noted he was watching me with an odd expression on his face. I couldn't read it and I didn't try to as I concentrated on what I had to say. As long as he was listening, his thoughts didn't matter to me.

"Archer and P...Percy will be getting married soon so implying I'm some kind of side p...piece to them is not only insulting! And the other g... guys aren't gay so your implications are ignorant!" I finished feeling both proud of myself and stupid at the same time.

I felt like I was back in school and defending myself against a bully. I knew I sounded like it, too. I knew my cheeks were bright red. My face felt hot and I felt like the blood was racing through my veins. My fingers were twitching and I gripped desperately at Cissero's leash with both hands as I tried to control their trembling.

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