Chapter 18 - pillow talk

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Charlottes Point of View

Blinking my eyes open felt impossible to comprehend what I was seeing.

I was actually in Lucinda's home, in her bed. It all wasn't just a really vivid dream. Turning over in the satin sheets I felt the sting of disappointment as, again, Lucinda wasn't next to me in the morning. On the nightstand though read a note in Lucinda's perfect cursive handwriting; the ensuite bathroom is the door to the left of the bed, everything you'll need is in there.

Please be in there, please be in there... That was all I was thinking as I slipped on the Versace robe under the note.

No such luck, the modern stone featured bathroom was void of any sign of Lucinda but she defiantly had everything I needed. All laid out on the stool in front of the mirror; brand new toothbrush, the toothpaste that I oddly specifically use at home, hair serums, a whole set of skincare, just literally anything I might want to use. I really appreciated this new thoughtful side of Lucinda I was seeing.

Taking longer than I probably should have in someone else's bathroom I emerged skin glowing, hair flowing and extremely cozy wrapped up in Lucinda's robe. I could even smell how good I smelt, it surrounded me with a mixture of fancy products and a hint of Lucinda.

BALENCIAGA was Lucinda's choice of clothing today as I found her sitting on the sofa, the spray jacket and shoes stuck out the most as I was very aware of everyone going crazy about the sock-like shoes. It was very strange to see Lucinda in a headset and being a gamer girl but I was so bloody into it. I couldn't believe we had that in common.

"You alright baby? Let's go get you something to drink-" Maxim the bipolar old tanned chihuahua coughed almost falling off the sofa beside Lucinda before she swooped him up in her arms, making it over to the kitchen in no time to give him a drink. Knelt down beside him Lucinda stroked his tensing back as he lapped up his weight in water, he finally settled. Taking him back into the lounge room I couldn't help but feel my heartbreak for the little guy as Lucinda spoke sweetly to him in her language and tucked him in a Gucci blanket.

"Morning," I said almost solemnly as I came over.

"Good morning," Lucinda replied standing up from in front of the sofa to look at me behind her, "I see you noticed the note." She stroked my freshly blown and straightened hair before taking my chin kissing me sweetly making my cheeks hurt with joy.

"I did, thank you. Your home is so well naturally lit during the day, it's beautiful." I mentioned taking notice of the large set windows around the condo that just flooded the place and made all the many plants just stand out. "Have I been asleep very long? I mean have you been awake for a long time while I was in your bed?"

"It doesn't matter, I cleared the schedule anyway today. Sunday was already planned on the basis of giving an introduction to the newly hired agency models so Beth will be and possibly Drake can handle that. I don't partially want to deal with them and I doubt you do either as it is a lot of awkward social interaction that I know you would rather avoid. Coffee?"

I nodded walking with Lucinda to the kitchen, "you seem to know me fairly well, do I still have nothing to worry about with the other models coming in?" I questioned leaning against the kitchen counter while Lucinda started the coffee machine.

"What did I tell you before about that?" Lucinda sighed and came over wrapping her arms around my neck comfortably.

"That you'd let me know first thing if my contract was in question or was to be terminated." I recited from memory as I pulled her small waist into me. Lucinda nodded with an obvious warmth to her this morning.

"It was my fault anyway that these other girls needed to be added to the brand. I much rather just have you on the team, you work so well with the brand."

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