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A/N: trigger warning below.


Percy Flynn

My eyes snapped open like they would if I was having a nightmare but then I didn't remember anything and I wasn't sure what woke me up like that. The headache hit me first and I felt like rolling back into the pillow and giving sleep a second go but something about everything didn't feel right at the moment. For one, my mouth tasted like shit.

I ran my hand through my hair and looked to my left, expecting to see Spencer spread like an eagle on his bed but then my eyes widen as I saw that I wasn't even laying on my twin bed. I was on a full king sized bed and there was no Spencer. That was the moment my mind finally woke up as I looked around alert; I had to bite my tongue from cussing out loud when I saw a girl sitting at the far end corner of the bed, her bareback to me. I moved back warily watching her and wondering if I was still asleep and now dreaming of a naked girl. That can't be right...

What the fuck happened to me?

I closed my eyes trying to remember everything that must have led to me being here on this super large bed. Janis... It started from when she came to the house to invite me for a party, I took Spencer with me, then she pulled a stunt using our old memories, then Spencer and I danced, then Spencer went to the bathroom and I was surrounded by the girls from cheerleading. I drank a little, I was trying not to get shit faced drunk because of Spencer but then along the line something happened and I lost it, feeling funny I continued drinking and then Janis appeared smiling at me. From then on, I couldn't exactly remember anything else. I did remember someone helping me climb the stairs though and I remember asking and calling for Spencer.

I looked back at the naked girl and she must know I was awake; she was purposely avoiding to turn. From her thin body and blond hair, I recognized her as Janis, my fucking probably sick ex. I took a second look at the room and now I recognized it as her room, there were some changes but it was exactly her room but how did I get here?

The drinks?

"You drugged me?" I asked my voice not sounding like mine — all deep and hoarse. I knew that was exactly what happened but I was still unable to believe it. Janis couldn't have.

I saw her shoulder lift a little in a shrug. "A little ecstasy and something I got off the black market, nothing harmful."

My jaw slacked, she didn't even sound like herself. I itched back cautiously, then I quickly lifted the sheets off my body to inspect, nothing strange but I couldn't rule that out... "Did you rape me?"

She didn't answer me and soon her body started shaking with sounds of muffled tears. Then she got off the bed and turned to me, completely naked with fat tears running down her eyes. "It wasn't rape-- It wasn't rape. . ."

I couldn't believe my ears or eyes... I started hearing white noise and my vision blurred for a second before it returned back to normal, she was still talking. Like a radio playing out something recorded. "What the fuck are you saying?"

"I said-" She exhaled, still shaking and crying. "Even if it was rape, y-you deserve it. You're gay, y-you lied to me, broke m-my heart-" I was going to chip in a word there but she was on a roll, literally. "You made me a laughing stock. You couldn't have even lo-loved me. You totally deserve this- and worst. A-and I had to... I had to because I love you still and we b-belong together and you weren't listening... You weren't replying any of my messages... You deserve it."

I was already off the bed and wearing my clothes, half listening to Janis and half trying to remember last night as tears leaked out of my eyes uncontrollably. I was drugged and raped.

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