✯Chapter 6✯

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I spent the night at Coraline's house. The two of us decided to stay home from work the following Monday. Tina also wanted to stay with us, but I told her to go to work; we could hang out afterwards. However, this day felt like it took forever to end.

After we arrived at Coraline's house (my car was still at Tina's), Cora and I spent hours and hours binge-watching TV shows. Terrence joined us some time at midnight, but then both him and Coraline went to bed. As soon as they had left, I started remembering things again. I was watching the images on TV, but somehow I was also watching a whole movie inside my head.

I remembered Carly's scream. My best friend Carly. The one who lied about who she was and where she lived to me. Someone whom I've known for over ten years, who I thought I could trust.

I remembered Colt's shocked expression when I caught Carly in the closet. He's been overly confident for years, but his façade got shattered within seconds. I trusted him. I loved him. And in turn, he broke me.

I turned the TV off and just sat there as the darkness of the night engulfed me. At a certain point my eyes closed, but soon enough they were open again. I didn't shed a single tear. But I knew that I wasn't alright. I kept telling myself that I could overcome this, that I could be strong.

But the reality was that I couldn't. This was just as painful as the day my mother died.

Before I knew it, a bit of light was beginning to shine through the window. I didn't get any sleep whatsoever, although I did try to close my eyes and get some rest throughout the night. Now that it was morning again, I was dumbfounded that I hadn't gotten any sleep.

I got up to stretch myself. My body felt awfully stiff. I walked over to the window and slid the curtains open. The streets were still empty, of course. But I was able to see the rising sun well enough, something I couldn't do at my house.

Colt's house.

Coraline and Terrence were well off financially. Colt's house looked like a mansion compared to theirs, but honestly, what was the point in having a big house if there was usually nobody at home? I never complained about Colt's 'job' because I knew that he was doing what he really liked to do. When we were choosing what house we would be living in as a married couple, I let him choose. When it came to decorating the house and adding furniture, Colt did everything. Come to think of it, I was constantly letting Colt make all of the decisions. The only thing I got to decide was what we would be eating that day.

I was obedient to him because I loved being a wife. In my eyes, doing household chores, hugging my husband when he came home from work, getting his clothes ready whenever he had to go out... I loved doing all of that. It wasn't a bother to me. I enjoyed being a wife, because it was something that I desired to do ever since I was a little girl. But my prince in shining armor gave me this in return.

"Hey Scarlett, you're up."

Coraline's soft voice made me turn around. I smiled at her.

"Good morning Cora," I said.

She didn't smile back. "What do you want for breakfast?" she asked me.

"Would you like me to prepare breakfast for you guys?" I lowered my head. "I don't want to feel like a freeloader."

Moments later I felt a pair of cold hands on my cheeks. Coraline was finally smiling at me.

"You're my best friend, Scarlett," she said, staring hard at me, "The day I call you a freeloader I want you to cut off every single one of my fingers."

I giggled at her dark humor. "Including your toes?"

She grinned. "Including my toes."


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