Chapter 6

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The Abandoned Princess made a wish on the shooting star, that someday her father will come to see her as his daughter.

Haisley worries too much.

"But princess. . ." She sounded like she's begging not to leave her side.

I stared blankly at her. She tried to persuade me that she's not tired anymore but I continued to stare at her until she finally gave up and closed her eyes.

The thing was, I forgot I was a child with a short body. So I ended up with the book that Haisley took awhile ago.

The thought of whether I was in a book or in the world that I knew of bothered me. I was confused and still couldn't find any answer.

Getting frustrated I took some books that are within my reach from the shelves. I stayed on the floor reading and reading without getting the answer that I was looking for.

Not before long, I fell asleep on the floor with books around me. I dreamed of watching people dancing and talking, enjoying the night. I tried to call them but no one dared to look as if I was invisible. My legs buckled and I slumped on the cold tiled floor crying quietly.

I felt someone carried me. The smell wasn't like Haisley's but more masculine. I was falling back to my dream once again but I was moved, turning me around as the person holding me on my armpit. My eyes were still closed and half asleep. I stretched my limbs forward thinking that I was being passed to Haisley.

"Your majesty, it seems that the princess wants you to carry her," it came from a man.

"Why would I do that?" A cold voice said that made me fully awake.

When I opened my eyes, two pairs of piercing gold eyes stared at me that brought chills to my spine. The man sat on the chair with an intimidating aura surrounding him.

"Oh my, she's awake," the man, who stood behind the man with golden eyes, said smiling. "Good morning, princess."

"Good morning," I said more quietly as my arms hang at my sides then looked around finding Haisley. We were on the second floor of the library. With my legs dangling at the very moment, I turned my head to the person who was carrying me, it was none other than the man with red hair I saw earlier.

"Are you not happy to see your father?" The knight with red hair asked.

It must be my lucky day. To find my father who abandoned me these five years. I'll probably die today. Oh, I hope it would be fast without any pain.

"You." With my heart trying to escape my chest I turned to the king. "Give me an excuse why I shouldn't kill you today."

See. My prediction seems to be accurate.

This man was handsome that can probably kill someone with one smile and at the same time frightening that I start to shiver in fear. He was glaring at me with murderous intent.

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