Chapter 12 ~ Traitor

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Chapter 12: Traitor

I knew the Beta was staring at my back from where he was busy with a few males, the Alpha amongst them. I'd avoided him again this morning, waking first, grabbing food and then disappearing to the hall to eat it alone. I'd done it every morning after the night at the hot springs. So far, he'd allowed me my space but I knew his patience was wearing thin.

Normally I was left alone in the hall, unbothered by the pack, today Katrin had come for me. She convinced me to join her outside and I was sure Bjarke had asked her to, because I'd spent time with her before and she was less intimidating than his other choice; the warrior Aljana. I still got the distinct feeling the healer's mate didn't like me and I couldn't blame her.

Katrin sat at the table across from me with my furs laid out before her. They weren't many but she assured me it would be enough to make mittens. I'd snorted when she told me that was what we were going to do. She'd given me a sharp look and proceeded to tell me the story of her brother who'd lost a finger to frostbite. It frightened me into obedience.

"Give me your hands, I need to know how big to make them," she instructed.

I uncurled my fingers from my dress and placed them on top of the furs she pointed to. She gave me a smile and a nod. "Keep them there for me."

When she picked up a sharp blade, I stiffened. She chuckled, gripping one of my wrists to stop me from pulling it away. She scored along the edge of the furs to better fit it to my hand and I watched its path carefully, fearing for my fingers. She did the same with the other hand and as soon as she was finished, I pulled my hands back to my lap.

"I'm only going to do one, you'll do the other so pay attention." She held up the needle and thread, showing me slowly how to push the thread through the loop. "Make sure you hold it firmly, don't lose the end because it easily slips out."

I nodded to show I was listening. She did everything slowly, making sure I followed closely. Instead of leaving me with idle hands, she nodded to the small wooden box.

"Maybe it's be better if we did each stage together, yes?" She rested her hands on the table, waiting for me to catch up.

Taking a needle and a length of thread, I fumbled a few times before getting the thread through. She didn't lose patience with me, even though I did with myself. When it finally slipped through, I grinned triumphantly.

It was easier than I'd built it up in my head. Once I'd watched Katrin for a bit longer, I managed to do the rest without her help. My fingers seemed to know what to do and I found it was enjoyable. Something simple to focus my mind on. My work was nowhere as neat as Katrin's but I was okay with that. It would do its job of saving my fingers from frostbite. I shuddered at the very idea.

"Very good!" she complimented, holding her hand out to inspect it.

A blush rose to my cheeks and I had to look away as she studied the stitching. I knew she was just trying to be polite. She handed the pair back to me to try on and I smiled happily, pleased with them both.

"Thank you, Katrin," I said, making sure to use her name.

"You're welcome. Maybe you can help me with a blanket I'm making for the arrival of my pup. Once you really have the hang of it, I could teach you how to use the loom. It's a little old but it still works. You'll need to make dresses of your own. You can choose a colour you like and I'll teach you which berries to use for dye," she offered, putting the mittens to one side.

There was no point in denying her offer but I might be long gone before I ever got the chance. My leg had almost healed enough that all that lingered was mainly stiffness. Pain only came at the end of the day. Even if these wolves weren't the monsters I'd been told about, I wasn't sure about staying. That night with the Beta, the way I'd wanted to touch him, it frightened me. I didn't want to feel that way. This place was making me weak. Yet at the same time, there was the promise of food everyday, shelter and kind voices.

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