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Chapter 2

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Hayley looked at the GPS. "De Forest isn't far away. We could stay there the night."

"We can make Mauston. It's only another hour down the road."

"No we can't," she said as calmly as she could. "We've been driving for five hours. It's time to stop."

She looked over her shoulder and smiled at her mom. She'd been so good for the first part of their journey. "How are you feeling, Alice?"

"A little tired."

Hayley looked at Tank. "We need to stop."

He took a deep breath. "Okay. I'll find somewhere that's safe."

"We haven't been followed all day."

"That's only one of our issues. I don't want Alice wandering out of the hotel and getting lost or hurt."

"Mom's not as mobile as she used to be. We don't need to worry about her jumping out a window."

"I hope not."

They passed a wooden sign welcoming them to De Forest, Wisconsin. Tank slowed down as they drove past each hotel.

"That one looks all right." Hayley pointed at a hotel with a bright blue sign. The Cherry Inn seemed like the kind of hotel she could afford.

Tank didn't stop. "It's too open. All of the vehicles are parked out front, away from the rooms."

"Isn't that a good thing? If we find a parking space away from the hotel, no one will know we're staying there."

He slowed down for the next hotel. "I want to park close to our room. If we have to move quickly, you might need to help Alice into the SUV. This one looks better."

There were only three cars parked in front of the hotel.

He stopped in front of the office. "Wait here while I look inside the rooms."

Hayley nodded and undid her seatbelt. She was looking forward to making sure her mom was settled, then standing under a hot shower. It had been a long day.

While Tank was gone she tidied the front of the car, putting away the magazines and memory cards she'd brought to keep her mom distracted.

The driver's door opened and Tank sat down. "I've booked an apartment with two bedrooms and a front and back door. We can park the SUV outside the apartment."

He drove around the hotel and parked beside unit thirteen.

"I'm glad you're not superstitious," Hayley said as she opened her door.

"Life's too short. I'll bring the bags inside while you help Alice."

By the time Hayley and her mom had unpacked a few clothes, Alice was getting tired.

Hayley went into the living room, looking for Tank. He wasn't there, so she made sure the front door was locked before walking through the opened back door.

He was standing beside the SUV, talking with someone on his phone. "Hang on a minute. Hayley's here." He held the phone away from him. "Is everything okay?"

"I'm going to help Mom have a shower. The other door is locked."

"Do you want anything to eat?"

Hayley shook her head. "We're okay. The meal we had at the diner was enough."

"After I've finished this call I'll be in the living room if you need me. Leave your cell phone on the table and I'll check it for you."

"Thanks." She left Tank and headed inside.

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