05. Jealous or not?

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I'm sorry that you all missed the important announcement regarding this book but I have only one way on Wattpad to reach you and that is through my MESSAGE BOARD and only the people who are following me can know when I announce something.

So its my request to all of you to follow the author (me) so you don't miss anything important regarding Wattpad or this book.


I'm a treasure love. Hunt me down if you want to find out.

My asshole🖤
I'm warning you one last time sweetheart. Stay away from me. I'm not the good guy you might be used to go out with.

I hate it that you simply assume I would be scared. I don't even like good boys. I'm not staying away.

My asshole🖤
Then you're Stupid.

Says the man who does not know a single thing about me.

Why is he judging me like this? I'm not the person he thinks I am. I'm strong and I haven't even dated for crying out loud.

My asshole🖤
Even you don't know anything about me. I'm sure if you would've known who I am then you would've never texted me in the first place.

I don't care. Okay? I don't give two flying shits who you are Luciano. That doesn't matter to me.

My asshole🖤
Ooh...no baby or love. Looks like you're mad at me.

You're judging me for no reason. You think I'll be scared or disgusted after knowing who you are but you're so wrong. I'm not some weak girl who is scared of the dark. I love the dark, Luciano. Stop underestimating me.

He does not text for full five minutes. He had seen the text but is not replying. Great.

I'm not gonna sit here and wait for him to fucking text me back so I get out of the car and walk where my friends are.


It has been one and a half hour since I put my phone away and I haven't checked it since then. Not like I want to check it anyway.

You know damn well that you wanna check if he texted back or not Val. Stop lying to yourself.

We are currently much to everyone's dismay taking pictures because of Nia. She won't let us chill at the beach when she met this guy who had a cabin or beach house nearby so we are taking pictures here.

"I sent you your pictures Val." Nia calls after me as I walk out of the place and back to the beach with Emma right beside me.

After finding a good place I gather up some courage and take my phone out of my bag and open it.

There are two messages. One from Nia which has my pictures.

Wow. I really do look hot.

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