Chapter 1

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If I could go back in time I would choose not to meet you again.

My phone buzzed as I jumped out of bed to see who it was that would call by this time. It was two in the morning. I removed my blindfold to see the name. It was Alex.

I picked up the call and I knew what I was gonna hear from him this time. It has always been the same answer. He won't be coming over.

I dropped the phone the moment he ended the call. I went back under the blanket and the thought of Alex made me remember Chloe and the situation she was In. Tears stream down my face as I could recall the Incident that had happened three years ago. My twin sister had been in a coma for three years because of me.

I turned off my night light and set the alarm clock to 6; 30. At least I should be early to go to the hospital to check on Chloe.

Not too long I heard my phone shimmed... was it 6 already? No! - Well, it has interrupted my sleep. I got up to check the messages that popped up on my phone. It was from the doctor so that means Chloe has responded?

I removed the blanket and checked the time it was 5; 22 am. Wow, that was quick. I went to freshen up and waited till 6; 30 before I head out of my apartment.

I remembered that day but not clearly but all I knew was I caused Chloe's accident and I felt sorry for what I did. I knew the moment she finds out that I was the reason she was on that bed... she will end my life.

The moment I got to the hospital, it just came back in flashes; it was a just like kaleidoscope of memories of when we were little... I saw a man pointing a gun at a dart board getting all the shots he shoots. He placed the gun in my hand and also Chloe's and told us not to miss any of the shots we were gonna shoot at the dart board.

He was hash... he was in a hurry. He wanted us to learn how to handle the gun so quickly. I still couldn't figure out who that man was or why he would give guns to six years old children to handle. I could see a big mansion with many bodyguards. Chloe's hands were shaking while pointing the gun at the dart board; I looked at her as tears ran down my cheeks... we were just six. I looked at the dart board as I raised my hand to shoot first so I could save Chloe from being beaten but I missed...

I knew he was going to hit me and I was happy I could save my sister from getting hit first. I got up with a bruise on my body. He was trying so hard to let us master the gun but the funny thing was I couldn't remember who he was or I don't know if I have seen him before; it was as if we were taken as hostages but why were we the only children in that mansion?

Everything was fading away and the image of us when we were little was also getting blurry, I tried so hard to figure out who that man was but the image disappeared and it gave me this headache. "Miss." I heard as I opened my eyes. I looked at the room. The hospital; When did I get here?

I sat upright and looked at the doctor. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes, I am okay... what happened, why am I on the bed?" I was confused ... Was that all a dream? I touched my head again.

"You passed out... one of our nurses saw you and brought you in." He smiled "How Is your head?"

"The pain will subside... I will be fine." The doctor turns to leave. "Wait!" I stopped him before he could open the door. "Do you know Chloe... Chloe Calabatti? She is a patient in this Hospital."

"And you are?" He asked curiously.

"Her sister... I'm Zoella Calabatti... I've been her guardian for the past three years and I got a call from doctor Joe this morning... that's why I am here."

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