Chapter 27: All My Chances

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This is the song that Miles wrote! 

I walked to Miles' apartment thinking about the soccer tryouts I just came from. I think I did a good job, I just had to wait to see if they wanted me. I knew I needed to get on the team if I wanted a scholarship for college. It was February already and I had only heard back from only one college, which put my nerves into hyper-drive.

I knocked on his door and within seconds, he opened it with a smile but it seemed forced. "Hey, I thought you weren't coming until later."

I shook my head. "Got out early. Thought I would surprise you."

He kissed me. "Well, I normally like surprises."

"But you didn't like it this time around?"

"Well, I have to stop by the studio." He chose his words carefully, making me worried.

Something was off with him. Ever since we played soccer a few days ago, he had been hesitant, distant, quiet. I tried to bring it up a few different times, but he never seemed to want to talk about it. Today, I would not let him change the subject. I needed to know what was on his mind.

"Mind if I come?"

He bit his lip in thought. Finally, he shrugged. "I guess not."

Before long, I looked at the small studio, waiting for Miles to come back out. He told me to wait here, that he would only be a few minutes, but that was 30 minutes ago. By now the sun had gone down and any hopes of going out to eat were shrinking. I had school the next day and I needed to get back soon.

I tapped on my leg to pass the time until I couldn't wait any longer. Without thinking about it further, I got out of the car and walked into the studio.

I heard Rodger's booming voice instantly; he sounded furious. "When are you going to tell Isla that you leave tomorrow for the world tour?" Rodger shouted at Miles behind closed doors.

And just like that, I couldn't breathe. My heart stopped as the words circled around my mind. World tour. Tomorrow?

I clasped against the wall as I tried to suck in a breath.

He was leaving me.

Tears stung my eyes.

He didn't tell me.

Did he not care?


I took another breath, as slowly, anger replaced my worry. I thought we had something. But he would just leave without a word. We dated for long enough, I thought he told me everything, but that was not true.

I wiped tears from my face as I took another breath.

He was leaving and he didn't even have the decency to tell me.

"Miles, you told me this wouldn't last, but you're dragging her around like your little pet. You said she was just a small-town girl and nothing more," Rodger said.

Fresh tears fell down my face. Deep down, I knew this would happen. My hands balled into fists. Anger, hurt, disappointment, sorrow, all fell down on me.

He would break up with me.

He never saw me as any more than a distraction.

He didn't love me.

I felt so stupid. How did I think he would love me?

I punched the wall, hoping that it would make me feel better. It didn't.

Miles didn't want me. He was just leading me on. I should have not even told him I wanted to date him.

"Miles, answer me," Rodger shouted.

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