Chapter 12: The Grove

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Exhausted from the day's events, Valeria collapsed onto her bed, falling asleep immediately. She awoke the next morning refreshed, despite having an odd dream about an upside down world. Dark was good, Light was bad, Hospitals were evil, and Criminal Undergrounds were good. It took her a moment to remember that it wasn't a dream; it was the crazy world she actually lived in.

She took a little more time with her hair, jewelry, and makeup this morning before going downstairs. She found Jada sitting alone at the table with two bowls, a carton of milk, and a box of cereal. The woman finished a scoop of cereal from her bowl before looking Valeria up and down.

"Well look at you," she said, leaning back in her chair. "So you have a sense of style after all?"

Sighing, Valeria sat across from Jada and poured cereal into the empty bowl. "I'm glad you approve. Did Frank leave already?"

"You just missed him."

"Police business?" Valeria asked while scooping up some cereal, "Or other business?"


The two of them ate cereal from their bowls, neither saying a word. The atmosphere was intense, and Valeria knew she owed her an apology. "Listen, Jada. About the other night..."

"Forget about it."

"I can't," she replied, leaning back in her chair. "I can't imagine what you two have been through. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Sorry about everything."

Jada looked up and pointed at her with the spoon. "Did I ask for your sympathy?"

"No," Valeria said, her shoulders slouched forward. "But you have it anyway." She leaned closer to Jada, but her sympathetic gesture was not reciprocated.

"Sympathy won't bring my daughter back," Jada said, scooting back in her chair. "So you're wasting your time. Speaking of time, you're going to be late for school."

Sighing, Valeria could see past her tough woman persona. Her eyes looked weary, forlorn. "Jada, just talk to me..."

"Get going, girl. Don't make me say it again."

Valeria sighed, picked up her book bag, and stopped by the kitchen entrance. "Acting tough won't bring her back either."

Jada didn't respond, and Valeria didn't plan to wait around for one. She made her way outside, unlocked her bike, mounted it, and headed for school. Along the way, her mind raced with conflicting emotions. She didn't understand how a group of healers could get away with profiting off the sick. But then again, the only world she has ever known was corrupt, cold, and cruel.

Like yesterday, she found Sai waiting near the bicycle rack beside the school. "Wow, you look nice today," he said with a smile.

Ignoring him, she slammed her bicycle into the rack and started locking it.

"Umm," Sai muttered. "Not that you didn't look nice yesterday. It doesn't even matter what you look like honestly..."

Valeria groaned as she looked up. "What?"

"I'm sorry if I made you mad."

She shook her head. "I'm mad, but not at you."

Sai removed the guitar case from his back and began opening it. "I could play a song to cheer you up?"

"Not right now," she said, walking toward the school entrance. "I appreciate it though."

Replacing the guitar case around his back, Sai struggled to keep up with her. "Want to talk about it?"

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