Chapter 1

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Naruto sat by the railings in his apartment's balcony one night, staring up at the silver full moon in the starry night sky solemnly. Tanned right hand slowly reached to his stomach and clutched his orange tracksuit jacket subconsciously whilst a single tear escaped from right blue glassy eyes and cascaded down a scarred cheek before dropping on the right hand that was still clutching the jacket. Soon after that single tear came another one, which gradually followed by streams of tears, and Naruto let out sobs and hiccups despite restraining himself to not to. And then, it made his body shook almost violently.

He did not want to weep over someone who was not worth even his single teardrop, but he cannot help it.

His heart was broken by someone he had cared and loved more than anyone in spite the flaws the person had.

He wanted to scream out his frustration, but he could not since the village was already asleep and he did not want to wake up anyone nor did he want to break the tranquility that was hovering all over.

He wanted to simply disappear, to dissipate and be blown away by the wind, but he could not.

He was not able to.

The moonlight was the only source of light in the darkness of the night, and Naruto, who had calmed down somehow, never took his gaze away from it as his face was bathed with the gentleness of the moonlight. Reaching up his right hand, Naruto opened his palm and tried grasping the beautiful silver full moon even though he knew it was futile.

But I just want to feel it; the moon that has a calming effect, which soothes my wounded heart. I want it...the moon...please...

Naruto's calm expression suddenly morphed into a deep frown when he could not have what he wanted to have.


Without his notice, Naruto's tears run down his whisker-marred cheeks again.

Why...? Why are you so far away? I can see you and be near you, yet I cannot touch you nor caressed you briefly.

Naruto dropped his outstretched arm dejectedly along with his head and cried to his heart's content. However, no matter how much he cried it seemed not enough.

And it pained Naruto even more when Sasuke's voice echoed through his mind.

"Are you that willing to stoop so low, dumbass?"

And then, conversation from hours ago visualized before the blonde teen's eyes.

"Sasuke..." Naruto had taken a step forward, but did not move any farther when Sasuke had taken a step back. "I know it's a shock, but please... Don't do this to me..." he had pleaded.

"I'd say the same thing to you, idiot. Don't do this to me." Sasuke had told the other one calmly.

"Sasuke... I, too, was stunned when I found out, but-"

"Kill it." Sasuke had said; his voice void of any human emotions, cutting Naruto's sentence.

Taken aback, the blonde had asked, "...What?"

"You heard me right, dumbass. That's an abomination. There's no way a male can get pregnant."

"I know...but, I was told how this happened to me. There's a scien-" Naruto had tried to explain, but once again, the raven haired teen had cut the other's sentence and had said the worst thing Naruto had ever heard.

"What's there to be explained apart from you being with a monster inside? Maybe you're turning into freak?" he had snorted. "Yeah. That's right. You are a monster. A freak of nature. You should've died when you were born. Perhaps the Fourth and his wife would be still around?"

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