Knowledge Is Power, Part 3

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"The river's just up ahead. Cross the bridge then another mile, Seb."

Moriarty looked up at the sky. He could see traces of blue peeking through the clouds, but beyond the blue, more grey clouds followed. He wanted to rub his eyes in frustration, wanted to scream at Sebastian to hurry the hell up. But with the snake sniveling beside him, as she blotted her nose with her sleeve, he'd die before showing her even the slightest bit of anxiety.

"Boss, the bridge is gone."

Holding onto the headrest, Moriarty pulled himself forward to stare out the front window. His chest tightened at the sight of the engorged river washing over where the bridge used to be.

Sebastian tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. "Why don't I try to cross it? Maybe it's not as deep as we think."

Moriarty hesitated, his eyes fixed on the rushing water. "You can't cross it. If the water doesn't flood the engine first, the river will pull us in."

"Should I call Dan to bring the helicopter?"

"No, it's too loud. We have to be quiet. That's the only way to get her out safely."

A low snicker brought Moriarty's eyes to narrow on Soo-Ling.

"Not safely," she said, her voice almost musical as she stared out the window.

Moriarty could feel his temper nearly ready to explode. "What? Tell me!"

Soo-Ling's snicker turned into a giddy, hysterical laugh. "He couldn't stop kissing her. Couldn't... couldn't keep his hands off her. He was touching her everywhere and she wasn't even awake."

Moriarty's nostrils flared. He pulled his gun for the holster, pushing the barrel into Soo-Ling's chest as his entire body shook with rage.

"Boss? We might need her."

Moriarty's breath came in rapid succession as he leveled his gaze on Sebastian. The assassin's eyes were filled with concern as he returned his stare. The blood pounded in Moriarty's ears. He lowered his gun and took a few deep breaths, moving his head back and forth to loosen the tension in his neck.

"I see what you did there." He focused again on Soo-Ling. "You want me to kill you in the heat of the moment. Have you ever played the game of Clue, snake? We're going to play it when I get back. Oh, you're going to love it. Well, actually, only one of us will." His mouth curled into a smile.

Soo-Ling scrunched her body into the seat and whimpered as Moriarty nodded in satisfaction, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "That's better. See? I knew you'd play along." He pushed open the car door. "Seb, outside."

Getting out of the car, he slammed the door on the Soo-Ling's sounds of anguish. Sebastian met him in front of the car, and they both stared at the river's rushing water.

"I'm going the rest of the way alone. Take the snake back to the Lair."

Sebastian shook his head. "It'll be dark soon. You don't know what you're walking into."

The truth of Sebastian's words only amplified Moriarty's anger at what little control he had. He should go back to the Lair and put a proper plan together. But the thought of Byron's hands on Annabelle made him see only one way to go. He couldn't waste any more time.

"Seb, I need to do this alone. Whatever happens to me, keep the snake locked in the Lair. I don't care how long. And keep Megan away from her. Understood?"

Sebastian nodded slowly. "I will. But how are you going to get across the river?"

Moriarty massaged his shoulder and winced as his palm rolled over the gunshot wound. "It narrows up ahead. I'm going to try to get through it on foot. I was good at it when I was a kid."

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