In which I transfer to a new school (1)

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I watched as the paint on my hand slowly came off under the sink's water, leaving marks of color behind.

I tried to keep the cast on my left arm dry, but there were still some water stains on it no matter how hard tried.

Painting with one hand was hard, but washing hands? That was almost impossible.

At least I was right-handed because the thought of not being able to paint was very unappealing.

It's not like I had something else to do, either, besides painting all day.

Right now, mom let me stay home for a couple of days until I got used to my cast, and also because she was worried I was still in pain.

I didn't argue. Going back to school was something I dreaded.

Mom didn't know, but I didn't break my arm from falling down the stairs. I mean, I did break my arm from falling- but it was definitely not an accident.

I had to give the credit to Ben Lockhart and his friends, as I did for every 'accident' I got into.

I never understood why they targeted me.

Okay, maybe it was because I was an easy target being shy and quiet, and not having friends was a sure facture.

Either way, I was those boys' prey.

At the time, I didn't know there was another reason for mom not sending me to school. I didn't know that as I painted, she had already finished enrolling me to a boarding school.

"Sammy!" My mom called out from downstairs. I didn't bother answering, since she wouldn't hear me anyway.

In a few seconds, she will come to my room.

Just as I dried my hands and exited the bathroom, I saw mom going up the last stair. She was holding a towel in one hand and her shirt was dirty- probably from cooking.

"Dinner's ready, Sammy." Mom said, her eyes momentarily going to my cast.

She was already so worried about me before I broke my arm. Now, she wouldn't stop looking at my bruised face and arm.

I followed her down to the dining table that had space for four people. It was only mom and me, since my sister Haley was away in college, and my dad was gone since I was little.

"You have paint on your cheek," Mom stated with a dry tone. I tried to rub where I thought the stain was, but mom shook her head and lifted her hand to my face.

I winced when she rubbed over a bruise on my cheek, and she gave me a worried look and dropped her arm.

"Wash it after you eat," Mom ordered before she started to serve the food.

We ate quietly, with mom staring at me as I struggled with one hand. I could tell she was holding back from helping me too much.

"I have something to tell you," Mom said, pushing blond strands behind her ears. I had the same blond, curly hair as her, while Haley's was light brown.

My hair might need a cut soon since it kept getting in my eyes. Mom will probably cut it for me very soon because I could tell it bothered her.

I lifted my gaze from my plate, looking at her expectantly for her to speak.

The moment she opened her mouth, the phone rang. Mom stood up to answer while I took my plate to the sink.

I returned to the bathroom and looked at my face in the mirror, wondering how I didn't notice the red stain on my cheek.

I washed it quickly, trying not to be too harsh because of the bruise.

When I was done, I made my way into my room. My room wasn't anything special. The walls were a boring white and I didn't have any decorations.

It's odd considering I liked colors and painting, but I wouldn't hang my own painting. I didn't even show my mom.

I showed Haley a few, but other than her no one had ever seen them. Well, it wasn't like I had anyone else to show them to.

"Sammy!" Mom called, making me sigh. This time, I opted to go downstairs instead of waiting for her to come up.

"Yeah?" I mumbled quietly, looking at her as she sat down on the chair by the dining table.

"I want to tell you something." She said, repeating her words from before. I waited for her to talk, trying to think what it could be.

Did she find out about the bullying?

I really hope not. I didn't want her to know her son was being bullied, and that my accident wasn't exactly an accident.

"You're not going back to school, Sammy." Mom finally said, a serious look on her face.

I froze, thinking the worst.

Mom knew I was being bullied, and now she will grill me about it.

"You're transferring to a different school." Mom stated, breaking me from my thoughts.

I blinked, trying to understand what she just said. "W-what? What do you mean?" I asked, already starting to feel myself panic. A new school? In the middle of my junior year?

"I decided to enroll you to a boarding school. You don't go out much and I know you don't have any friends," I opened my mouth to object, but she continued while pointing her finger at me. "And don't you try and tell me you have friends, because I know you don't."

I looked down to the floor, feeling embarrassed. I never could make any friends. I was too much of an introvert, sitting quietly in the corner while everyone played. I had a few friends, but they either moved or we grew apart.

I just didn't understand friendships, and meeting new people would usually cause minor panic attacks.

"I think that going to a boarding school will force you to make some friends. I'm sure you'll like it, don't worry." Mom told me, though inside my head I was trying to think of an excuse why I shouldn't go.

However hard I tried, I came up empty handed.

"And there's another thing you should know," I raised my head to look at her. "What is it?" I asked, my tone soft as always.

"It's an all-boys school."

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