Chapter 2

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The room fell silent; I could hear the crickets outside. My heart was beating out of my chest, and I felt like I couldn't breathe while staring down at my hands resting on my lap. I wanted to get up and run into the forest, and not dare to come back.

My mate.

My mate is standing five feet away from me, and I can't move, I want to run into his arms, I want to be his. But I can't move. Katy is sitting on the couch opposite of mine completely shocked, like everyone else. I feel like I'm going to puke, the tension in the room was slowly suffocating me. I stood up and looked him right in his piercing deep blue eyes; I did not run into his arms. Instead, I left the room. I speed walked into the kitchen and took a deep breath; the air was fresh and untouched by emotion.

This isn't how it's supposed to be! He was supposed to run up to me, hug me, kiss me, but all he did was stand there, emotionless, come on I'm not that bad!

Katy ran into the kitchen and when she saw me her face softened. "Anna?"

I didn't answer I just kept looking at the white tiled floor beneath my feet. A tear splattered on the tile—I didn't even know that I was crying.

"Anna, what happened?" She asked soothingly while walking towards me, as if she has known me long enough to calm me down.

I kept my stare on the floor. I wish I would just disappear! I could hear Jackson's voice from the other room, but I couldn't comprehend what he was saying.

"I-I should g-go," I mumble.

Katy ran to me and held me in her arms.

"No, no don't talk like that!" She then held me at arm's length, looking at the tear stains on my cheeks.

"I don't understand." I sigh.

Her face falls, and she drops her arms from my shoulders. "None of us do." I can hear the sorrow in her voice.

Nicole enters the kitchen and walks towards us with a sorry frown. "Oh, honey." She wipes a tear from my cheek.

"Is he going to reject me?" I softly ask, though, on the inside, I'm screaming it. Would he reject me? Well, I already feel rejected.

"He won't even try because if he does, I'll beat him up," Katy warns severely.

I chuckle and rub off the rest of the tears from under my eyes; I have to be strong, even if he does reject me I already lost my mom, dad, sister, and brother. What's one more person, but I feel if I lose my mate, I might just crack. If I lose, my other half life isn't worth living.

"Come on let's go back into the living room," Katy suggests. I guess it's time to face the music. What am I going to say? What will he say? Well, hopefully not the word reject. I walk back into the living room with Katy and Nicole at my side, but Tyler is not longer here.

"Where did he go?" Nicole asks Jackson and Michael.

"He said that he was going for a run." Jackson answers.

"He just found his mate, and he's going for a damn run!" Katy yells at the boys.

"That's what he said before he left out the door!" Michael yells back.

Did he leave? I could feel it, the emptiness inside me started to grow. I have to go after him—even if he does reject me—I can feel my wolf howling at the thought of being abandoned.

"I'm going to go find that son of a-"

"No, I'll go find him, so we could at least talk about what happened." I cut Katy off.

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