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..Who would discover my dead body first?

My parents?! What would they think when they'll see their own son, naked while bleeding on the floor next to a bar of soap.

What if my little sister is the one that finds my body?! She's the spawn of satan, she'd surely laugh at my dead body for a few days before sending me to the hospital. I'm sure of it!

I slowly started imagining a bunch of different scenarios, each of them having a really bad outcome. When they bury my dead body, will they tell the world about the cause of my death?!

Here lies [M/N], cause of death. Slipping on a bar of soap I mimicked the voice of my father in my head. Ah! I don't want to know!

After a few more minutes of panicking, I just accepted the fate of my death. I'll probably be going to heaven and forget about everything. Or end up in hell incase God doesn't want me there-

Well, I won't remember any of this embarrassing stuff! Ha! Anyways, what should I do now?

Just when I wanted to stand up, a blinding light flashed infront of me. I had to shield my eyes from it.

"[M/N], are you alright?"

..What is this? A pretty lady with long pink hair appeared all of a sudden. She had white wings with a yellow halo while wearing a white robe.

I was speechless so I didn't say anything.

"..Death by slipping on a bar of soap.."

"..." She had tears in her eyes as she faced my naked dead body on the floor.

"How pitiful.." She glanced back at me while holding a hand to her lips. Are those eyes.. mocking me?!

"OI! I DON'T NEED YOUR FAKE PITY!" I quickly stood up and glared at her.

"What a waste~ tsk tsk tsk" She rubs her own chin, ignoring my glare.

"Who are you?!"

"I am a Goddess, of course"

"..Stop lying, no Goddess would be mocking at a dead body!"

"I'm not lying"

"Whatever, bring me to God or something. I don't know how this works"

"..I am Juviore the Goddess that's in charge of your soul. I-"

"Blablabla.. I get it, now quick bring me to your master!"

"You-!" She clenched her fists in anger. Before unclenching, putting on her fake facade once more. "Since you died such a pitiful death.." She flicked her fingers, a pink glow emitted from the tip.

"I'll be giving you another chance at life" She points her glowing hand to me.

"I don't want one though"

"You don't make the decisions"

The pink glow quickly engulfed me before I could scream an insult at the pink haired demon.

Another chance at life?! [M/N]-san, you get another chance to live, aren't you happy?

[M/N]: WHO IS THAT PINK HAIRED BI*** I'LL RIP HER ***** AND ***** **** ALSO ***-

..Censoring brought to you by Glow-sama~ ^o^

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