Chapter 74

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I felt the anger slithering under my veins. I wanted to deliver love to Hazel but I didn't want to make the same error twice. I didn't want to slash her again. I trusted my sinful side more than I trusted my real self. I was an imp in disguise. I was residing in the wrong world at the right time. Criticize me if you want but Hazel's blood was like water in my brain. I didn't really care about her life the way I used to. The blackness overwhelmed me. It made me cruel, more effective. On a real note, my love for her was still there and It was difficult to let go.

"We need to stop." I broke the kiss as she pulled me back in.

"Why?" She murmured, between kisses, refusing to let me go. "Kiss me."

"I don't want to harm you again." My words sounded selfish but my intentions were equitable. "Hazel, my love," I caressed her face gently as I tried to change her mind. "I want you too but... I can't control myself right now. I don't know what I'm capable of." I let out a deep sigh. "Look at your foot." I gestured. "If I'm going to make love to you, I want every part of you to enjoy it. As a real man, it's going to be hard for me to fulfill my needs when you're suffering."

"I'm not." The lie dissolved under her breath. "I'm okay."

"You're really a persistent person. Aren't you?" I uttered. "I'm sorry Hazel but, I can't." My rejection was more like a missile. Her reaction entertained the devil within me. "I'm the only person who can heal you but I have to figure everything out first. I don't want to take advantage of the moment. I know part of you is still mad at me and I don't blame you." I swallowed my saliva slowly as I tried to let the words out. "You don't have to do this." I tried to convince her. "We don't have to do this."

Hazel rolled her eyes, annoyingly. "Whatever."

"Here." I took my shirt off. "Put this on." She obeyed and followed my order immediately.

"Where are you going?" She asked, watching my every move. "Jack said..."

"I'm leaving." I cut her off. "Fuck Jack!" My tone was harsh. "Please, stop looking at me like that." My eyes judged her body language under the white sheets. "I'm not bringing you with me. It's dangerous. You have to stay with Jack. He's the only person I can trust. He's going to protect you." I tried to make things better between us.

"You bit me." She reminded me of my previous mistake. "You can't just leave and expect me to be okay. I need you, Jack needs you. You need to protect me, not Jack."

"Are you hearing yourself right now, Hazel?" I whispered under my breath. "I can't control myself anymore. I don't want to hurt you." I sighed. "It hurts. I want to go back in time and undo what I did but I can't and it's eating me alive to watch the love of my life suffering right in front of me." My jaw clenched, furiously. "And the worst part, I can't do anything about it."

Hazel took a deep breath as she hobbled in my direction. "Please... Don't leave..." Her fingertips flew down my cheek gently. "Stay..."

"But..." She elevated my temper with a dry kiss. "But I don't belong here."

Hazel! Open the door!

Jack Walter. My best friend, my only blood, was screaming through the door. Hazel, open the door. What do you think you're doing?. These were his first words. Deep down, I felt like I was losing my brother. I was fighting for his attention and his invisible love. I wanted my best friend back. I wanted him to guide me, to stay by my side, and to protect my future wife as he promised.

I wanted him to forgive me but the calories of his anger were higher than his love for me.

"I got it." Hazel sat on the edge of the bed as I opened the door slowly, inviting him in. "Jack? I need to talk to you." I tried to catch his attention but it was useless.

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