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After the class was assigned their separate dorms, they finally were able to set up their rooms.

(Y/n)'s room had a twin bed on the right side of the room against the wall, which had fairy lights on the wall above it. She had her desk across from her bed, which had her notebooks, pencil cup, and lamp. Above the desk was a cork board with a calendar and some photos she had brought from home, including some from when she, Bakugo, and Midoriya were all really small from her parents. 

She had also brought her old-school polaroid camera to take pictures with her classmates. Her favorite one, which she took with her polaroid camera and had just hung up, was one from that day when she had asked Bakugo to come help her move in her large, and heavy, cork board since they were on the same floor. He didn't realize she had taken it until she had it pinned up on the cork board. (Y/n) didn't want to admit it, but he looked really attractive while doing it.

At the end of the day, when everyone had finally finished moving in, Bakugo turned in for the night, (Y/n) kissing him on the cheek while everyone was downstairs. When she went down, she started heading for the couch when she was yanked to the side by Ashido.

"We had an idea and we want to know what you think," Ashido told her once (Y/n) had gotten her footing from being yanked.

"Okay, what's the idea?" she asked, curious what they had concocted.

"We want to go around to see the coolest room!" Hagakure excitedly informed her.

"Okay, sure." (Y/n) nodded after thinking for a moment. "I really like that idea."

Then all the girls, except Asui, went to the boys and suggested the idea to them. Even though Midoriya protested a ton, they went in and saw his room was basically an All Might museum. Next was Tokoyami, who's room made (Y/n) think of her slight emo phase when she had her hair in her face almost all the time in junior high. Aoyama's room looked like a disco ball had thrown up--it was sparklier than anything she had ever seen.

"This is turning out to be really fun!" Uraraka jumped up and down. "The last person on this floor is..."

Mineta gestured for the girls to enter since he was the last room. (Y/n) shook her head, stating plainly yet firmly, "Nope. Not happening."

With that, they moved onto the next floor without taking a look in his room. 

Ojiro's room just looked rather plain, him just wanting to move on to the next room. Iida's room looked like a bookstore had a baby with all the books and glasses he had in there. In contrast, Kaminari's room looked like a garbage mall store. Koda may have won over all the girls with his absolutely adorable rabbit.

After Mineta said that they should see the girls' rooms, it was decided to have a full on room contest, involving everyone except Bakugo.

"Hey where is Bakugo?" Kirishima asked (Y/n).

"He went to sleep before we started the contest," Y/N informed him.

"And how would you know that, (L/n)?" Mineta asked, wiggling his eyebrows at her and Kirishima.

"Um..." She tried to find an answer, but was saved by the girls starting the full-on contest.

The class went to the fourth floor, discovering that it was Bakugo, Kirishima, and Shoji. Iida then asked where Bakugo was anyways.

"Oh he's already asleep," (Y/n) informed him, walking beside Kirishima.

"Wait, how do you know that?" Iida asked, since nobody actually saw him since beginning to move into their rooms.

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