8 - A Jealous Little Fool

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Jimin had ended up taking Taehyung home by the time your next patient arrived, leaving Hoseok behind to catch up with his old friend. In fact, the two hybrids ended up spending the entire day in the break room cracking jokes and sharing stories with each other.

When you had brought them lunch at noon, Hoseok had been hunched over his legs gasping for air while laughing. Jungkook was in the seat next to the dog hybrid, watching Hoseok endearingly as a few giggles escaped his own mouth. Their harmonious laughs brightened the mood at the clinic the entire day.

That night when Jimin came to pick up Hoseok, Jimin had informed you that he was successfully transferred to work on Jungkook's case. He also offered Jungkook to stay over at his house for the night. At first, the bunny hybrid politely refused, worried he was overstepping his boundaries. However, Jimin reassured Jungkook that he was more than welcome - and that Taehyung had been whining the whole day that Hoseok was hogging the new bunny hybrid to himself.

After much persuasion, Jungkook ended up accepting Jimin's invitation. The next morning, he returned to the clinic with Hoseok and spent another day talking in the break room.

For the remainder of the week, the bunny switched between staying over at Seokjin and Jimin's house. 

Furthermore, Jungkook had become noticeably closer with the six other males by the end of the week. You were happy for the bunny hybrid but a little upset that you have yet to make progress in getting him to warm up to you.

Yoongi's tail flicks you out of your thoughts. You gasp softly and stand up a little straighter before shooting the cat hybrid a glare.

"You keep zoning out today. Are you alright?" he asks you with raised eyebrows. Although his tone and facial expression remain neutral, you can see trace amounts of worry in his eyes.

 Yoongi's question causes Namjoon to sit a little taller in his seat. The wolf hybrid sets down his book and walks over to you, pressing the back of his hand to your forehead.

"Are you sick? You better not be getting sick," he frowns.

"No, no," you chuckle while gently pushing the wolf hybrid's hand away from you. "I'm not sick. I'm just thinking a lot today."

"Oh," Namjoon sighs in relief, flopping his arms back down to his side. "What are you thinking about?"

"Oh, you know," you shrug nonchalantly, trailing off at the end.

"We might have better senses than you, but reading minds is not within our range of capabilities," Yoongi snorts.

"I've been thinking about Jungkook," you admit softly.

"His case? Have you heard back from the authorities?" the older hybrid asks with his tail flicking softly behind him in curiosity.

"Yes, Jimin told me they finally got a warrant to arrest Jungkook's owner. So they'll be carrying out the arrest and fines within the next few days. Once everything is taken care of, they'll notify me and we'll have custody of Jungkook," you inform the pair happily. You receive hums of satisfaction from the two hybrids but a questioning look remains on Namjoon's face.

"And?" the wolf hybrid presses which causes you to tilt your head in confusion. "I can tell there's more than just that."

You hesitate, wondering if you want to share the rest of your thoughts related to the bunny hybrid. Might as well. After the years you've known these two, they won't stop pestering you until you do. 

"I'm glad Jungkook has been getting along really well with the six of you guys. It's really nice seeing him opening up and so happy," you add.

"Oh, he's the cutest! All shy and sweet at first but he's actually a really great person once you get to know him! Such a cute kid," Namjoon gushes fondly. 

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