My Mate, My Enemy - chpt. 1 - Sold

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My Mate, My Enemy

Chapter One - Sold

Lux Freemen

            My hand was grabbed and shook vigorously as people passed. They all congratulated my father on his speaking skills and congratulated me for being his daughter. I smiled tightly at all the people who passed, knowing that if they knew what I was they wouldn't hesitate to shoot me point blank.

            "Lux," my dad called, "Lux."

            I blinked and looked at him, plastering a dazed smile on my face. "Yeah, Dad?"

            "The car, dear," I looked around and noticed that a car had pulled up to the curb. I moved towards the sleek, black vehicle and smiled as the drive pulled the door open for me. Once in, the door closed behind me and I rolled down the window.

            My dad bent over, planting a kiss on my cheek. "I'll see you later, Hun. I'm going to play poker with a few of the guys from the rally."

            I smiled, "Alright, I'll see you in the morning, Dad." My dad tapped the side of the car twice and the driver immediately began driving to the estate. I looked back at my dad and watched as two men got into a fancy red car behind me.

            I spun around and watched the buildings pass by as I was driven back to the main estate where I lived. My dad made lots of money off the speeches he did so we were generally well off when it came to money.

            The car turned right and I relaxed into my seat, knowing that I was close to home. It was pretty often that my father played poker with the people from his rallies. He was the second in command of the Sun Warriors. They were a group of werewolf hunters that had been around for years. My dad was their media representative and liaison.

            "Only a few minutes away, Miss Freemen."

            I inclined my head to the driver, "Thanks."  

            I swivelled in my seat and noticed that the fancy red car was still behind us. Choosing to ignore this, I turned around in my seat and played with my seatbelt nervously. I was a naturally anxious person.

            I looked up just as the words 'Freemen Manor' passed by and blew out a breath of relief. Today I had been to two rallies with my father and my head was pounding. I unbuckled my seat belt as the car rolled to a stop and reached for the door handle just as the car was sent flying forward.

            I screamed as I was flung through the air. The driver was thrown through the window shield and skidded forward lifelessly along the pavement in front of the car. I groaned and touched my head where it had smashed into the seat in front of mine. My fingers came away red and I had to swallow back bile, blood made me nauseous.

            "Julius?" I yelled shakily. The driver remained still and I felt a fury of panic tighten my stomach. I brushed broken glass off of my pencil skirt and tucked my bangs behind my ear with shaking fingers.

            I was about to exit the car when suddenly, the car was moving again. I opened my mouth in a silent scream as the car flew through the air and rolled twice. When I had finally stopped moving, I was lying on the roof of the car. The seat belt, which was dangling above me, grazed my forehead.

            I coughed a few times and opened my eyes to see two figures bent over in laughter. An unidentifiable fear gripped my heart as I came to the realization of what was happening. I tried to move but found myself stuck as the doors would not open. Slowly, I crawled towards the front window shield that had been shattered when Julius has flown through it.

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