Chapter 18

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"What" and "If" are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life: What... if? What, if? What if?

Remembering what Claire said in Letters To Juliet, it really can haunt you for the rest of your day, or night, or your life.

What if Lucy still likes me? What if I still have a chance? What if she's gonna be my first kiss?

Kayla called Lucy after she learned that I have a crush on her and asked about her date. Kayla didn't say anything about why her best friend hid it from her, but she told her that they're gonna go together to the mall. Knowing that I'll see her and there's a possibility that I'll see her date was too much for me to handle. I told them that I wouldn't go and I'll stay here at home.

The weather was much better today. It was raining hard for 2 days and now the weather had cleared up. I just ate lunch and I'm in my room just laying down on my bed, regretting not going to the mall.

My phone rang and I grabbed it from the side table. The caller was no other than my best friend.

"Hello, you're calling Domino's Pizza delivery line, how may I help you?" I greeted.

"Yo, Amber, you better go here right now!"


"We're with Lucy here and she's all alone,"

"Okay... And?"

"What do you mean and? You need to go here right now!"

I pinched my nose bridge. "Why? Lexi, she has a date, alright? And-"

"Amber, Amber, listen to me. This is your chance.  Go here and ask her out!"

"She is on a date. It would be rude to ask her while her date is there,"

"That's the thing, Amber. Her date isn't here and it's been 2 hours,"

I sighed, thinking what she's up to. "So? Her date must be running late or there's an emergency,"

"She should've at least called or texted her, don't you think? Oh- here's Kayla,"

"Amber, you really need to go here. Lucy got ditched,"

"Kayla, what if her date is just late or stuck in traffic?"

"Listen to us. Lexi's best friend, which is you, and my best friend have a crush on each other and this is the time for you to shoot your shot!"

"You don't know that. You don't know if she still likes me," I said stubbornly.

"Ugh! You talk to your best friend," I heard her cry and give the phone to Lexi.

"Amber, I'll buy you anything you want for today just get your stubborn ass here,"

I pursed my lips at her tempting offer, also thinking that maybe this is my chance. "If her date arrived, you owe me big time,"

"Fine, fine. We'll meet you here and we'll make sure to keep an eye on Lucy,"

I hung up the call, taking my towel and got ready for a quick shower. I went for a yellow shirt tucked in my high waisted mom jeans, and a pair of black sneakers.

As I got out of the shower, I took everything I need and got my keys in my drawer. I started the engine and quickly drove off, texting my mom that I'll be going to the mall.

My heart was beating fast, like it was going to jump out of my chest. I really hope that her date ditched her so I'll be the one to ask her on a date.

There was a little traffic on the way to the mall, but it was moving. Maybe her date did get stuck in traffic, but I don't know where she's from and how far she was.

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