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omg if there's any mistakes or missing spaces between words. blame my fucking laptop it messed up all my editing :)) I tried to find everything it messed up but idk if I did.
don't mind mistakes for this chapter pls I had no motivation to do the editing AGAIN :)


"Bro you almost killed my kid!", Jungkook yelled out once Taehyung had brought the car to a halt, two centimeters before crashing into a tree. "I almost killed all three of us", the older corrected and wiped off the sweat off his forehead after that little risky stunt he just pulled.

Taejeon, still in Jungkook's lap sat there, frozen in all his movements and stared at the two boys.
"Are you okay, buddy?", Taehyung asked worriedly, glancing to the kid above his shoulder. Kook did the same but he still held the kid tight. All of them were lucky that the only thing on the boy's mind was the kid once they crashed down the hill, holding him so steady that Taejeon wasn't in danger at all.

"Can we do that again?", Taejeon suddenly asked, eyes going big in excitement. "Like rollercoaster ride! Taejeon liked it."

"Bro", Taehyung let out in disbelief, ruffling the kid's fluffy black hair. "We will never do that again", he hummed and then got back on the road to keep driving. The police was gone, left behind on top of the hill because they didn't want to risk their lives chasing a car full of criminals. Even though that was literally their job, but oh well.
"I'll never let you drive a fucking car again", Jungkook grumbled and then grabbed in his bag until he found a box with cookies to give to Taejeon, wanting to distract him from everything that just went down.

"Would you rather be in jail?", Taehyung snapped at the younger.

"I'm not the one who kidnapped us. I'd be fine", Kook yelled back. "Never put my kid in danger again, I swear to god."

"You're still calling this kidnapping?", Taehyung asked back, "I thought you wanted to stay with me. The door is unlocked, I can drop you off anytime", he said sharply. He wasn't going down for all of this alone. Either it was both of them or else Jungkook could just leave right fucking now and not get all of them in danger.
"If we go down, we go down together, is that clear?", Taehyung mumbled, eyeing Jungkook who bit his lips while still hugging his child. "Not if it puts my son in danger", he said quietly. "You can not just pull shit like that. Not with him in the car. I promised his mother to keep him safe, to raise him right and not to put him in danger. She'd hate me if she knew I was about to leave the state with a criminal besides me and our kid in the middle of it."

Taehyung gritted his teeth, well, the mother knew and she indeed hated the whole situation.
If only Jungkook knew that she was the one who put them in this position where they had to run away from the police.
That was no thanks to Taehyung, it was all caused by Lyza who told them all about what happened.

"I'm sorry", Taehyung hummed, "I know it was irresponsible and it won't happen again"

"Good", Jungkook said. "I would much rather spend my life in jail than burying my kid at the age of 5."

Taehyung nodded, heart aching a little when he realized that Taejeon meant the world to Jungkook, it was amazing to see. The boy never had something like that with his own father and neither had Jungkook with his father. It was just Taejeon who seemed to get all the love in the world.
Probably the reason why he sat there now, unbothered by anything with his cookie stuffed into his mouth and a big smile on his face, singing a melody from a cartoon he had watched some days earlier.

And that's when Taehyung thought the same; this kid had to be protected at all costs.


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