Chapter 22 : The Meeting

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"The great beauty of life is its mystery, the inability to know what course our life will take, and diligently work to transmute into our final form based upon a lifetime of constant discovery and enterprising effort. Accepting the unknown and unknowable eliminates regret." 
― Kilroy J. Oldster

Third Person P.O.V.

The meeting room was quiet. Each leader of every race was unsure what to say or even gesture to one another except narrowed eyes and shifting glances. The room sounded so loud about how quiet it was. Someone needed to break the silence and quickly before an Alpha got antsy and snapped.

The head of the table was the Alpha King. Tanned skin tone that popped tribal band tattoos around his biceps and one hidden one on the small of his back. Slicked back onyx hair that naturally shined like the onyx gem. Green eyes that would flash from deep forest green two electric lime between the leaders before him and their partners. His eyes landed on the vampire queen for just a moment before looking away. The tension in the air was making him exhausted and impatient. So, he stood.

"I'll get right to the point in why you were all summoned here today." The alpha king began. "Recently I have gotten more word from other pack messengers around the world that packs with questionable reputations have been silenced."

"Is it just packs with bad reputations?" One of the alphas asked speaking up.

"So far in the reports, yes." The king replied. He even had his beta hand out copies of the report.

"Do we have any witnesses to know who the attackers are?" Sean asked the alpha of the Midnight Rain Pack.

"We do." The royal beta began. "The survivors who happen to be the ones being abused in one of the packs all say the same thing. They said it was all done by a fox. And not just any fox, this fox had two tails. Other reports are saying that other survivors seeing a fox with 4 tails or five."

"Is this some kinda joke? I've never heard of a fox having that that many tails." Another alpha said. This alpha seemed to think highly of himself.

"As a hunter, I've never heard of a fox with that many tails before myself." Summer mention. "Also, in the reports, it says that only a single fox took down a pack with no help. I never heard of such power. Maybe from the dragon king, but that's it."

The Alpha King studied the crowd as he lowered back down into his seat, shifting into a relaxing position trying to think of what is happening.

Silence hit once more, but a chair moved and Theo stood up clearing his throat. All eyes on him as he spoke, "While talk on how this is not possible or no one ever heard of them, we need to keep in mind that just because the fox took out the rouges, that doesn't mean they are an ally. We all need to be cautious."

Alpha King tapped the table eyeing Theo and then the chair with a smile. Theo sat and sighed. The room full of shared whispers surprised that Theo even spoke up. Durning meetings such as theses Theo would be silent.

During this whole time, while everyone was talking, David noticed that Luna was being very quiet the whole time. Theo was even looking concerned about it. Even the king noticed.

"Do you have something to share Luna?" King asked her. The talking stopped and everyone looked at her.

Luna looked at everyone with a serious gaze on her face in which was very surprising.

"I will tell you this." Luna Began. "If my hunch is correct...and what these reports are saying turn out to be true. We could be facing off with fox demi-gods."

Whispers started to pick up again with everyone asking, "Fox demi-gods."

"What nonsense are you spouting about?" Isabella sneered.

The alpha kind and Theo both growled at Isabella silencing her. Isabella looked down in submission.

"Continue." The alpha king said.

Luna breathed softly. "There is an old legend that my grandmother used to tell me about. The legend of the fox demi-gods. These gods lived in Japan and could still be today considering how mysterious Japan is. Each fox is having a certain number of tails indicating how powerful they are. The most powerful is the tails. They live by a code of honor. "If injustice is done and nothing is done to stop it, then they will take over."

"Like with the packs." The alpha king said. "Since not much was done about them, they decided to take things in their hands."

"That's right," Luna said.

The alpha king smiled. "Thank you, Luna. This is very helpful."

Isabella's mate stood up. "Now hold on. We can't possibly believe that what she said is true."

"That's where you are wrong." Adrain the dragon king said taking a stand. "Everything that Luna said is true. I even have proof of their existence in this envelop that my dear mate Diana found hidden in my castle."

Adrain handed the envelope containing some information on the fox demi-gods to the alpha king."

"Thank you both. King Adrian and Alpha Theo, you must be proud of your mates. They are a big help."

Adrain and Theo smiled looking that their mates who now blushed from the attention. "That we are." They said in unison.  

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