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Annoying ass :
hEyyyyy bAbEeE~
mY lOvElY wIfE~~
wHeRe ArE yOu SwEeTiE?

y/n :
for god sake yoongi
stop texting me on midnight
and what is wrong with you?

Annoying ass :
tHeRe YoU aRe bAbE
yOu dOn'T kNoW hOw mUch i MiSs yOu~

y/n :
umm yoongi?
are you okay man?

Annoying ass :
yEsH i Am FiNe mA'aM

y/n :
i don't think you're okay
are you drunk or are you high?

Annoying ass :
i'M gAy
fOr hObI


'wut? since when did i ask if he's gay or not?' i thought


y/n :
yup, you're both
yoongi why r u drunk?

Annoying ass :
nO i'M nOt y/N~~~
i JuSt nEeD yOuR lOvE

y/n :
yoongi why don't you call other member or something to get you sober up

Annoying ass :
mew :(

y/n :
what's with that sad face

Annoying ass :
yOu-YoU wOuLd RaThEr tAlK wItH oThEr mEmBeR tHaN mE :<

y/n :
yoongi i never said that

Annoying ass :
yOu DiD :<<<

y/n :
you know what?
i'm gonna call you

Annoying ass :
oKaY :>>>


*y/n wants to call you*
accept or decline

"yah! yoongi where are you?" i said.

"wHy? DoEs mY wIfE cArE aBoUt mE??" he said. wait no- he screamed. i hear VERY loud music in the background.

"of course i care about you dummy!! now where are you?!" i ask one more time.

"i'M aT- uHhH. i DoN't KnOw AcTuAllY. i'M pReTtY sUrE aT sOmE rAnDoM 5 StAR cLuB tHaT iS nEaR oUr DoRm." he answered.

I actually don't understand what the heck is he saying cause he's slurring too much. After some seconds of silence i finally talk to him again.

"i will pick you up. just share your location to me." i said.



Annoying ass :
*no jams club at diNg dOnG street*



okay let's get him.


a/n : okay imma leave it here >:)

a/n : it's not a long chapter i know

a/n : but i promise (i guess) the next chapter will be a long one

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