~ 20 ~

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Hey guys, so I'm gonna start off this chapter with something very serious. People who are out here saying all lives matter are simply NOT CORRECT. Yes all lives matter but that's not the point right now! This is about black people not being equal to white people even though people claim that they are and black people getting killed by cops for the smallest things. IM DISGUSTED BY TRUMP AND HIS SUPPORTERS. ALSO BY THOSE FUCKING COPS WHO KILL AND ATTACK PEOPLE FOR LITERALLY NOTHING! I'm white but yet my heart is broken. Don't get me wrong: there are still good cops out there and there are also vids of white cops hugging black people who are protesting, but the other cops who kill and hurt people no matter what color for literally nothing makes me throw up. I'm sick of the entire world right now and I'm so sorry for all the Americans that have to go through this and all the black people out there that have been discriminated and hurt. I have signed so many petitions and I have sent donations. If I lived in America I would stand with you, but sadly I live in Europe. STAY STRONG AND DONT LET ANYTHING OR ANYONE BRING YOU DOWN!!!

To everyone: you're a beautiful human being no matter what color your skin is or what gender(s) you love.


Okay now I'm done with my speech, have fun reading this chapter :))

"Y/N! Hey it's been some time, how is everything going with Jungkook?" I heard someone say behind me.


I couldn't talk to her and I felt terrible about it. I turned around. She looked at me confused waiting for an answer, but she soon understood.
"He forced you not to talk to anyone? Doesn't surprise me. Well, as soon as you can talk again come visit me so you can tell me your story. I don't know anything about you yet." She smiled. I smiled back.

I'm sorry Dana..

After she had left I felt terrible, but I didn't want to make Jungkook angry again. He would be far worse if I made the same mistake for the second time. I knew him.
"You learn fast." Jungkook said walking towards me again out of nowhere. How does he do that all the time?
"It's not like I have a choice.." I said softly looking in Jungkook's direction.

"Oh but you do have a choice. It's either talking, which would mean disobeying me and a punishment would follow, or not talking. But I think I know which one I would pick." He told me.
"I'm so bored though I have no one to talk to and I've seen the entire island already so there's nothing left for me to see.."

"There is one thing left for you to see but only if you want to come with me." Jungkook responded.
"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"It's a beautiful cave with bright water. It's the only water sirens can be in and be able to keep their legs while in normal water we immediately get our tale back. It's very pretty there, but you probably wouldn't dare to come with." He said with a cocky smile.

I was doubting if I wanted to see it, but I was bored anyways and I wanted to show Jungkook that he was wrong.

"I wanna see it." I responded.

He raised his left eyebrow and smirked. "Come with me princess.."

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