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Aveline Andruzzi 4

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My head was pushed against the wall forcefully, I could feel my legs leaving the ground as I was pulled up into the air. Tears ran down my cheeks in fear, while I pleaded, "Please-S-stop! I tried to scream, but all I could do was mouth the words while gasping for air. He didn't stop; his one hand was around my neck squeezing it painfully with his heavy hand. The same evil glint in his eyes that Ive seen so many times before, and how just like every time I wished- hoped that itll be the last time I see those eyes. I tried to push his hands off of me tried my best to get away from his hold but I was not strong enough. I was never strong enough. I had accepted my fate. My lungs were screaming for air and then slowly I surrendered, my eyes started to close as darkness engulfed me.

My eyes flew open and my heart was hammering as I quickly sat up on the bed, covered in sweat, hyperventilating. I frantically looked around. Automatically my hands went around my neck to check to- confirm that hes not here.

I am in my room. I am safe. Safe.

I poured a glass of water from the bed side table and drank it quickly.

I looked at the clock, it showed 3:20 a.m. Knowing I wont be able to sleep again I decided to go to the terrace to clear my mind a bit.

When I reached the rooftop, I removed my slippers. The cold tiles under my feet felt good, soothing even.

Sighing, I sat on the edge. My feet dangling in the cold air. The streets were mostly empty. The street lights looked beautiful, actually, I agree with people who say there is nothing prettier than a city at past midnight with its empty streets and cold winds. The emptiness of the city feels like home, like it understands the feeling of having everything and still nothing at the same time. I closed my eyes and a smiling face of a little girl appeared.

She had the same grey eyes as mine, but bright with happiness, not dull like mine. She was in little pigtails, in her favorite dress that her Mumma bought her. She was happy. Her smile was so real, it looked like a second nature to her, like it was as easy as breathing. The girl in the picture was the total opposite of what I've become.

The girl I can never go back to, even if I tried.

I opened my eyes and sighed, I decided to get some paper work done, it's not like I'll be able to sleep again.


When I looked at the clock it was around 6 a.m. I rubbed my face to release some tension and walked back to my room to get changed into some workout clothes which consisted of some black leggings and grey tank.

After some running, and lifting. I took a shower and got ready for work. It was already 7:50. I walked downstairs where Olivia was already there in the kitchen.

"Hey, Olivia, how are you doing?" I asked as I sat on a chair at the dining table.

She smiled brightly, "I am certainly doing great. How are you doing, darling?" She is around 52 and she is the sweetest lady I have ever met, she and Martha are great friends, both of them are like a mother figure to me. And they are the only people, I can open up to, if I decided to.

I smiled, "I am doing good, too." I said as she placed breakfast in front of me. "Thank you" I mumbled.

"Oh, don't worry about it, darling" she smiled and walked to the kitchen.

I ate quickly because I was getting late. And I hate being late.

I walked to the car where Tom, opened the door for me, "How's Nathan doing?" I asked Tom he is in his 20's, Nathan is his father, he was my driver but he had come up with some health problems, and doctors told him that he needs bed rest, so Tom took his place. He's professional that's all I care about.

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