Chapter 25: First Real Love

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Anya's POV:

I know I was the one that told Leo to go on a date with Hermione but I don't feel good watching them hold hands and dancing.
OK, yes, I did feel jealous.

But come on, I'm a better dancer than that chick, she's stepped on Leo almost thrice tonight yet, Leo finds that funny.

"Anya, are you OK?" Jones asked me after noticing my change of expression
"I'm fine" I said rudely
"But you don't look fine" he said again but this time, I just ignored him and walked over to Leo, I couldn't contain my jealousy anymore
"Dranes I want to talk to Leo now" I said holding Leo's hand trying to pull him away the way I normally do but this time, he didn't move at all
"Let's go Leo" I said looking at him directly in the eye hoping he would get the message
"I'm sorry Anya but this is actually my favorite song, I can't possibly go now" he said smirking, did he just do that, he just put Dranes in sooooo much trouble
"Leo, now" I commanded but he ignored me and walked away with Dranes holding her by the hand.

Why on Earth did he do that?, Is he deliberately trying to make me jealous?, did he just pick Dranes over, Anya Dewills?


Leo's POV:

I knew talking to Anya like that and ignoring her would surely piss her off but I did it anyways. I was really angry when Dranes told me how she was. I already knew she was selfish, greedy and bossy but I didn't think she was also a bully. Also, I didn't expect her to get jealous (I know the only reason why she wanted to talk to me was to probably break up with Hermione tomorrow because she doesn't like the way we were getting along.

"Sorry about Anya" I said to Hermione hoping she wasn't offended or something by Anya's presence
"It's OK, I think she is still in love with you" Hermione said taking her seat at the bar section
"Unfortunately for her, I'm only in love with you" I lied but she blushed all the same

I'm not in love with Hermione but I'm also not sure if I still love Anya, I mean, this isn't the sarcastic, cool girl I fell in love with months ago, I'm not sure why she's interested in competiting with Kendra.

"I love it when you blush, it makes you look ten times cuter" I said honestly making her blush some more, she was about to reply to me when a voice from behind interrupted her

"Wow, I really didn't think that nerds were sluts too"
"Anya, what is wrong with you?" I said turning to her
"I said we need to talk" she insisted
"I don't want to......."
"I'll leave, you should probably talk to her" Hermione interrupted me before finally walking away

"What's your problem Anya?" I asked her
"I should be asking you that" she screamed knowing fully well that no one would hear her as the music was pretty loud and also, most of the people here were drunk
"Why did you do that to me in front of that nerdy brat?" she yelled angrily
"Anya, you told me to date Hermione and that is exactly what I'm doing like always" I said frustrated
"Like always?" She said angrily
"Yes, I always do what you want have you ever cared what I want?"
"No, you claim to always do what I want, but you know you have your benefits too"
"What?, I barely even talk to those girls I go on dates with, I only think of you and your happiness"
"How can you say you think of my happiness when you don't even try to make me happy?" she said
"Anya, you and I both know that's a lie"
"Then prove it to me Leo, prove that you still love me"
"How can I do that?, isn't me going out with people I barely even know enough proof?" I said angrily
"I want you to break up with Hermione" she finally said twitching her lips to look cuter than ever trying to soften my heart but I'm not falling for it this time, I can't believe that after everything I've done for her she still doesn't even consider it anything, she still thinks I have to work harder to make her happy
"I'm not breaking up with Hermione, we've only dated for a day" I said just trying to teach her a lesson, maybe she would understand her mistake, apologize and things would go back to normal but I seriously can't break Hermione's heart, I don't want it to seem like I was using her or something
"I know that but you are still going to break up with her because I say so" she ordered
"No, I can't keep doing everything you want me to do especially since you don't even appreciate them" I said angrily
"It's either you break up with her or with me" she said calmly as if she knew I'll choose her but I'm so disappointing her this time, she just needs to learn
"Then Anya, I'm breaking up with........."
"No" she interrupted "I won't let you break up with me because I'm going to do it first, it's over Leo" she said finally obviously heartbroken but trying to hide it before finally walking away.

How can she be so sassy?, I was expecting her to apologize or something but her ego made her dump me just like that.

Wow, Anya, you just showed me how selfish and egoistic you can actually be.
I'm really heartbroken, I just lost my first real love.

Author's note:
Wow, what a cheesy chapter am I right?
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Stay home and stay safe
Love y'all


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