10. Only A Matter Of Time

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Have you ever felt like you were almost complete?

Almost, because bad things keep happening.

Things just make sense with him. Even though he sometimes scares me, he makes me happy. But that's the thing about him, everything with him is spontaneous and thrilling. I almost never know what's next.

After the New Year came around, things were somewhat eerily settled between me and danger, but its only a matter of time until something happens.

When we went back to school I was weary about Julia and Kiana. Mostly Kiana. When she got jealous, she was jealous to the extreme. Since Michael decided he wanted me, she's been trying to find away to take him from me, but with Michael being the type of person he is, it wouldn't be easy for her. In a way, I was glad Michael is scary.

The first couple of weeks went unusually calm, but it was unsettling. Michael surprisingly hadn't made any indications to anyone that we were together, and I was ok with that, because I wasn't worrying about constantly watching my back.

Into the third week of January, things started to pick up. People were starting to whisper again, and I knew they were talking about me as well as Michael, but he didn't care as long as no one bothered him. They were talking about things like Michael and I holding hands, and they were suspicious of us being something other than friends.

That Friday, shit got real. I walked into English, the only class I have with Julia and Kiana, they were already there. I assumed they were waiting for something, because they were unusually quiet. Michael walked in not long after me. He had his eyes set on me, and nothing else.

He was smirking as he sat down and squeezed my thigh as if to say his hello. I felt awkward with Kiana's eyes watching us. Crap! I forgot my notebook. I looked at Michael, his eyes already on me, and mouthed that I was going to my locker. He nodded to show he understood and I quickly moved to go to my locker.

As I was coming back, I noticed Julia standing by the door to the classroom. Weird. She was acting like a lookout, like she was making sure nothing or something was happening.

I stopped at the door in front of her and she said, "You know, I feel sorry for you."

I roll my eyes, "Of course you do."

I stepped around her into the classroom and noticed that Kiana was sitting at the table, her body leaned toward Michael's, talking to him.

I heard her say, "Claire isn't right for you. You don't need someone who is unstable in your life, unless you want to break her some more. I know its fun to play with her, but I just want you to stop playing so I can have you to myself." Well, ouch. "I mean, she's a virgin and I can give you everything you want and so much more." I'm going to be sick.

Then I heard Michael chuckle bitterly, "You really don't know how to take a hint." His tone was full of disgust. "You poor slut. Listen, I wasn't going to do anything, but now, I really hope you listen well." He cleared his throat. "Fuck around with my girlfriend again and you might not live to see the next day, and that's a promise. Now, kindly fuck off."

She backed away and I could tell she was boiling with anger, she'd never had a guy full on reject her. I felt a little smug as I approached Michael and he spoke loud enough to make sure anyone could here him, "Hey baby, I was just setting a slut straight."

I nod and smile at him as I take my seat and his arm goes around my shoulder, I can feel Kiana's jealous eyes on me and Michael, wanting to be the one tucked into his side. Before I can process anything else, the bell rings and people begin to swarm in, and in that moment, Michael kisses me full on the mouth. I can feel the eyes of everyone in the room as he slowly pulls back, smirking.

I had a feeling that everybody would know mine and Michael's relationship status by the end of our last class.


I wasn't wrong. Kiana even had everybody believing that Michael is psychotic.

Since my brother was using my car, Michael took it upon himself to drive me wherever I needed to go. On the way to my house, I couldn't help but notice how pissed he seemed to be. He had this permanent frown on his face.

Once we arrived, no words were spoken as we both went straight to my room and got ourselves comfortable with each other. For several minutes, neither of us said a word and usually Michael had something to say. He was being unusually quiet. It made me nervous, because he had to be thinking about things that pissed him off.

I sighed, "Is everything ok? I sounded like an innocent child.

I feel him shrug, "That slut is going to get what's coming to her, but first, she's going to suffer from paranoia and fear, my two favorite things after you. But, other than that, I guess things are ok."

His words sounded to casual, like he does things like this all the time, and maybe he does. I get that Kiana has a disgusting way of getting what she wants. I mean she could easily get a jock to do anything she wants, just to have her way. She feels no remorse over the way she treats people as long as she has them in the palm of her hand. Its sad to know she was once a good person, but people change no matter what.

I turn over in Michael's arms to face him and he's already looking at me, he smile a ghost of a smile, "I'm glad you're mine."

I smile, "I'm glad you wanted me."

He doesn't say anything else, he just moves closer and presses is lips to mine, kissing me gently. I kiss back, hungry for his indescribable taste, and he continues the innocent kiss before adding his tongue to the mix. I straddle him and he moans as my hands travel up his chest and into his hair. His hands quickly move to grip my hips.

His mouth move down my jaw to my neck as he pulls on my hips, causing my hips to roll against him. I jolt in shock at the friction and take some control so he doesn't have do all the work. I move my hips against his, moaning as he claims my mouth once again and squeezing my hips.

Before we can go any further, his phone goes off. I fall off of him to the side as he pulls his phone out and looks at it.

He curses and looks at me, "I guess have to go, but I might be back tomorrow or I'll just see you on Monday." Great. "Oh, and I'm going to be busy next weekend, but who knows, I might see you before next weekend is over."

I nod as he pulls his shoes and jacket on, then before he leaves, he pecks my lips and leaves out the door. I love you.

Not even five minutes later I receive a text.

Unknown Number: I know where you are pretty.

Then another text.

Unknown Number: I'm watching you.

I knew it was too good to be true.

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