Chapter 23

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Zara's POV

I slowly knock on the wooden brown door. The dandelion sunlight is peeking through the glassy window's grooves, falling right on my face, disturbing me to turn my face away. I sigh after finding no answer from inside. This time, I knock more hardly. How will I say this to him? He will get mad at me, I know for sure. Today is a holiday and from what I have seen, he always goes to the private office room in the house. And he doesn't like anyone to disturb him during that.

I push the door slightly when a low come in gets into my hearing. He doesn't look up at me instead his fingers continue moving in sync on the keyboard of the laptop. I have never come here before. In front of him, there are many white papers scatter on the table. The veins in his hands are popping out due to typing.

"What brings you here?" He asks, his eyes still on the laptop.

"I have to tell you something, " I reply after a while.

"What is it? Say it quickly and leave. I am busy, " he retorts with a frown.

He can't even talk softly. Arrogant! Jerk!

"Actually I have lost the keys of your car the last day and it's still..."

"You have done what?" He asks still not looking at me.

"I was saying that the keys of that car have got stolen and will you do something to gain its duplicate key?" I spat the whole thing in one breath.

"I'll see to it. You may go now, " he says after a while still no panic in his voice. I look at him in astonishment. I was thinking he will make a fuss for it.

"Are you sure?" I blurt without thinking.

He finally looks at me with confusion in his eyes.

"What?" He asks raising a brow.

"I mean are you not mad?, no, no nothing. Just do your work. I am going. " I rush out of the room, and with a slam, I shut the door. What I was just doing? The words were getting slipped by my tongue without me knowing. I would have looked like a fool a while ago.


I turn the tv off after going through all the channels, not finding something interesting to watch. I put the empty bowl of chips on the table and lean back on the couch's back and close my eyes. I am missing my phone. Thinking of the phone, I remember I still have the debt of that airhead, more like he has forced it on me. I should give it back to him. And for this, I have to go to his house. I groan at the thought of it. I will kill him if he won't take it this time. Moreover, I also want to dig more into Dad's matter. I believe there is something which I don't know and Mr. Wajahat is the only person who can help me with this.

I get up from the couch and am about to open the door when it itself gets open revealing Armaan. He looks at me up and down in perplexity.

"Where are you going?" he asks.

"I..I am going to see Aila, " I reply with a nervous smile after thinking of an excuse. He nods in the response and walks ahead.

"Listen. "

I stop in my track when he calls me again. I turn around to face him. He searches something in his pocket and after a while, he comes out with a phone in his hand.

"This is for you." He says while forwarding the phone towards me.

"No, I don't need it, " I reply nervously, and unknowingly I walk some steps back.

He sighs and grab my hand and put the phone on my palm.

"Just take it and no more questions, " he says while his hand still on top of mine. He smiles and strolls away not giving me a chance to thank him. I dumbfoundedly stare at the new branded phone which I was missing badly and then on my hand which still has the warmth of his hand. Unknowingly a smile creeps on my lips. Suddenly my senses get back. I can't be falling for him. This can't happen. I can never fall for a jerk like him. I was about to throw the phone on the table when he appears again causing me to stop my hand right there. I clench the phone in my hand while rushing away without looking back at him.

Entangled Love ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ