Chapter 1

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3 December 2186

"Matthew Walker, I am arresting you on suspicion of theft --"

Sebastian broke off as a fist flew towards him, ducking under the man's arm. As he straightened up, he turned, reaching for Walker's wrists. But Walker turned with him. The fist came back.

Sebastian took the blow with his elbow. As Walker punched, Sebastian brought his other hand around and hit the thief in the face. The blow had sideways momentum, and Walker staggered to Sebastian's right. He swung to the left and tackled Walker to the floor. Shoved his knee into the guy's back and struggled to cuff his wrists.

"As I was saying: Matthew Walker, I am arresting you on suspicion of theft, and now for attempted assault on a police officer. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence."

Walker was still struggling, and Sebastian sweated as he held him down. He needed to make a call to the PRBs, but he also needed both hands to keep Walker on the floor. He was seriously regretting choosing to walk this way on his journey to fetch coffee, especially as theft wasn't usually a matter for a detective inspector. But a police officer was a police officer, and when he'd seen Walker running out the hoverbook shop followed by cries of Thief! he'd been duty-bound to intervene.

A few feet away, the door to the hoverbook shop rose. Detective Sergeant Otto Gibbs strode out, his old-fashioned greatcoat billowing around him. "PRBs are on their way, sir."

Always one step ahead. That was what Sebastian liked about Otto. "Thanks. Can I have a little help here?"

His sergeant joined him. Walker squirmed a lot less with two people on his back.

"What else took so long?" Sebastian asked.

"Calming the hysterical sales assistant. She was eager for me to pass her Xplora number to you, and I don't think it had anything to do with taking her statement." Otto's voice was loaded with irony.

Sebastian waited for a prickle of interest. Didn't feel it. What he did feel was his earpiece buzzing.

He shoved his knee further into Walker's back and risked tapping the device. "Flynn speaking."

"Hi, Sebastian, it's Amber. I couldn't find you at the station."

Walker spewed a bucket-load of curses and tried to sit up. Otto pushed his head down. Sebastian idly wondered if they could persuade the government to provide them with fold-up cages. "No, I'm not at the station."

"Is now a good time to talk?"

A black shape came into view ahead of them, flying beneath the concrete sky. Another one followed it. PRBs.

"It's fine," Sebastian replied. "I'm listening."

"Nina just called, and she's hoping for a favour. A man wanted for murder left Rosek about a month ago -- his name's Theo Lloyd. They lost him for a while, but now she has intelligence to believe he's in Socrico. There are three places he could be this afternoon, but Alex and I can't go undercover in all of them at once."


"Nina thinks he's been attending pottery classes. It would be a relaxing way to spend your Sunday afternoon." Her voice had an edge to it that suggested she wasn't so sure. Sebastian wasn't sure that Amber would find pottery relaxing, either.

The PRBs landed on the street and came towards them. Seeing what was about to happen, Matthew Walker roared.

Then again, pottery sounded much easier than this.

Mistletoe in the Mortuary (Inspector Rames)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon