Chapter 25

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No one's pov

Lydia and Sebastian miller back at the mansion was impatiently waiting for the call from Alistair if they got zyra or not.

Sebastian decided to stay with lydia since she sobbing hard and was very worried sick, she was pacing back and forth while waiting for the call

"lydia calm down, im sure they're fine, i know they can get zyra out of there unharmed." Sebastian said trying to calm down the worried woman.

"i cant calm down Sebastian!! What if something bad happens?!" lydia said while she runs her fingers through her hair.

"don't think of that lydia! Nothing is going to-" the man stopped as he heard his phone ringing he picked it uo and answered with lydia listening at the side

"hello Alistair? Did you get zyra? How is she? Is she ok? Are coming home now?" he bombarded Alistair with questions.

But his expressions changed when he heard what happened he looked at lydia then ended the call.

"what happened? Have they got zyra? How is she??" lydia asked feeling hopeful but the words Sebastian said next broke her heart to pieces.

"weston's been shot... They're in the hospital."


Few hours later*

I kept on tossing and turning, i can't really sleep. Mom and dad insisted that i go home and take a rest and that they can stay with weston at the hospital. Weston is finally stable and fine, he had a bit of blood loss but it was immediately treated.

I can't sleep knowing that weston is in the hospital and badly hurt,i took a deep breathe then stood up and made my way to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water

But when i got there i realised i wasn't the only one who can't sleep. "can't sleep?" i asked Alistair while drinking my water.

He sighed then looked at me "how about you? You should be resting right now" he said while taking a sip of the wine he's been drinking.

I sat beside him "i can't sleep knowing weston is at the hospital and badly hurt because of me,...... This is all my fault if only i followed what he said to me that night in the park this wouldn't have happened..... He wouldn't have gotten hurt.. He wouldn't be in the hospital right now.... " i said while trying to control the tears that was about to fall.

Then silence. I was looking at the floor not wanting him to see me cry like a baby, after a few moment of silence i suddenly felt his arms wrap around me.

" none of this is your fault, you didn't want this to happen, none of us did." he said while caressing my head. And its very rare to see Alistair this affectionate... His hug calmed me down and my nerves, And so far im liking it. 'i wish he could be like this all the time'

After a few minutes of hugging, he released me from his comforting arms. "now, go back to bed. You need to rest both your body and mind then you can visit weston tomorrow." he said  then stood up as well.

"goodnight zyra" he said then went straight to his room. After that little moment with Alistair, I went to sleep with a smile on my face.


When i got in the hospital weston was already awake, mom was so happy and cried again and dad Comforted her 'are they on good terms now? What did actually happen during my time away from home?' but whatever it is that happened i am happy they actually got to set aside their differences and made up.

I sat beside weston's bed "im sorry... This all happened because of me.." i said while looking at the floor. But when i felt weston's hand hold mine i couldn't hold it in anymore and i broke down.

I was angry at myself, and because of my stubbornness my brother was shot and i almost lost him, we may not be very close but i still love him, he's still my family.

"hey zyra, its not your fault ok... It was my choice to be shot, i can't handle seeing you in pain,your my sister and i love you... And if it meant seeing you out of harm's way, then ill gladly take bullets for you, just so you're safe. And dont blame yourself, its my fault if i only told you why i wouldn't let go near that boy you wouldn't have searched for him in the park the next day... "

That reminds me ," why did you want me to stay away from kyle? "i asked." he was once part of lucas' gang, i saw him nearly everyday with lucas, they do drugs and drink alcohol in the middle of the day, and sometimes in the middle of the night"

then i remembered the group of boys passing by our house shouting like they're at the bar the same night i had that scary dream where i thought i was falling.

"But he suddenly disappeared and i never saw him with lucas anymore, but when i saw him with you i freaked out, i was afraid that he'll influence you or worse do something bad to you." he explained

I nodded understanding him, i was just happy that he was safe and hugged him, carefully of course. After talking with him for a while, then an idea pops in my head. I decided to buy him ice cream as an apology gift and he gladly agreed.

So i head to the park where the ice cream man is selling his ice creams. Once i arrived at the park i saw Kyle with two people that are actually very familiar. As if sensing someone was looking at him he turned his head to my direction.

And the other two also saw me and smiled widely at me specifically the little boy "Zyra!!!!" he said and ran to me i hugged him tight i missed this little guy, "hi leo! I missed you, how are you?" I asked and set him down
"im fine! Im soo happy to see you!!" he exclaimed while jumping "mom look its zyra!!" leo led his mom to me.

"dear its so nice to see you again its been a while since our last encounter together" she said while smiling wide as well, "its nice to see you too ma'am" i said while smiling back at them.

"mom you know her?" kyle asked 'wait......... This woman is his mother?! Which means leo is his little brother!!'
"oh yes kyle, she was the one who helped leo when he got lost here a year ago" she enthusiastically said

"oh, well that's good" he mumbled  "mommy i want ice creamm!!" leo led her mom to the ice cream man and left me with kyle.

"i heard what happened" i looked at him confused " i overhead from your brothers, before they left to save you. I followed them saw what happened"

"oh" that was all i could say, "i heard that your part of lucas' gang before?" he nodded " i was, because i was trying to occupy myself eversince my father died" he looked at leo and his mom eating ice cream not far from us
"i didn't know how to handle the fact that dad was gone so i distracted myself, but as time passed by i realised that what i was doing to cope with my father's death was wrong, it made my relationship with my mother and brother weaken.. They were also suffering and i didn't want them to suffer even more by being distant with them.."he looked at the ground, i put my hands on his shoulder urging him to continue.

" so i left lucas' gang and start anew with mom and leo, but once heaed lucas talking about kidnapping the miller brothers' little sister and ask for ransom money so that they could buy more alcohol and drugs" i was listening to every single word he said while nodding my head. "so when I sa you with your brothers i immediately knew who you were, you were lucas' target. And i was lucky to actually find you in the park the next day and decided to warn you, but as you saw i didn't get to finish what i said since your brother took you away already" he continued.

'so that's why he warned me to never take a walk on the park alone...'

"anyways i have to go leo is getting grumpy and he's hungry" he said and looked at leo who has a frown on his cute face, then turning to and flashed me a small smile, i smiled back at him then went our separate ways. I Bought the ice cream for weston and went back to the hospital.

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